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+33 votes
How can I express to my mom that I'm uncomfortable with her companion?
by (4.2k points)

6 Answers

+56 votes
Best answer
Tell her in a caring way that you are concerned about her and that its making u worry that she is working so hard to take care of others when she should be taking care of herself. Look up a list of resources for your mom's friend to go to for help and show it to your mom. let her know how u feel in a positive way use i statements and be truthful. Sometimes its easier if u have a hard time remembering what u wanna say to write it down and either read it or go back to it when u stumble
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Just like that. "I do not like your companion.". If she asks why, tell her how you feel about said person. Youve basically solved your own problem.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I should write a book about this subject because I have been through it time and time again with my father. Currently he is going through it yet again ...paying for EVERYTHING and pulling the shift his lady friend misses. I tried evrything over the years to make him understand that he was being taken advantage of but he was lonely and ignored all pleas to leave them. But like past experiences he eventually grew tired and restless of the abuse and left. He is now growing tired of his current situation and your mom will to. It's very frustrating watching the ones you love get taken advantage of but believe me noone is that blind to these type situations. Voice your concerns!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Well, thats a good question, first of all, you and you mom are in my prayers, and second of all, I have the same problem with my mom. She is one of those women who fears being alone, so she always chooses the bum. It has always been really hard for me to talk to my mom about it, but recently I got the courage. I sat her down and pointed out all the negative and positive things about her "friend", even going as far as to make a list. At first mom was made, but she got over it and realized I was right. Guess what no more lowlife. Just sit down and talkt o your mom, tell her how much you love, admire and respect her, and you hate to see her being used. She may get upset (hope not) but in the end she will thank you!! Good Luck I hope it all works out!
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
Talk to her about it. She might be getting tired of the person too and not know what to do. Be careful though becasue she might get mad at you. I didn't like my mom's boyfriend at first, but he didn't do bad things, and now I am glad that my mother has him in her life. Good luck! Maybe talk to her other friends first and see what they think of the situation. If your mother isn't seeing her old friends anymore I would be concerned that she is in a unhealthy relationship. Maybe her friends can help you talk to her about it, having 5 people say the same thing about someone makes you take it more seriously.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
If this person and thier kids are as bad as you say they are then you should talk to them or your mom about it.or else you will have it on your chest for a very long time
by (4.1k points)