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+18 votes
What does the term 'NT Authority / System' refer to?
by (4.5k points)

3 Answers

+83 votes
Best answer
Its a technology from Microsoft & with some of their partners.If ur software have their LOGO digitally signed. that means that software which U have installd is not veryfied and certified by the Microsot NT Authoeity/Systems.. Hence when ever U use that software it Automatically restarts ur computer N it says to save ur work within 60 sec.. The remedy is U have to uninstall that software.
by (4.7k points)
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0 votes
It means your system shuts down within minutes of start up. It also means your RPC service terminated. But for more information go to the website below. Or go to Ask Jeeves, and ask the question to get a variety of results.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
"NT Authority / System" is a system account - it can do anything in the system. this msg comes up because some important service is not starting properly which is needed by the system to function - that's why NT Authority / System shuts down the system. you have to look in the event logs to find out which service isn't starting or has problems - and go from there... hope this helps.
by (4.3k points)