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+66 votes
Why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
by (4.4k points)

12 Answers

+111 votes
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why does the needle have to be sterilized for a lethal injection???
by (4.1k points)
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fashion statement?
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
the helmet had the radio equipment and to kept the pilots warm.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
They didn't.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
A mystery of life! Another;. If a man overdoses on viagra, how do they get the coffin lid shut?
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
health and safety rules.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I would agree that it might sound strange, but to actually answer your question despite the fact that I think you ask it in jest is simple - turbulence. They were trying to make sure that they did not get bounced into their glass cockpit and hurt themselves so they could not finish their mission. Also, unlike planes today, they had no real way to keep out the frigid cold of high altitudes so they needed the helmets to keep their heads warm
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
but the injury can be less
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
How do you know that they do?. . Dumber yet. I heard that a man's execution in Texas was delayed because he was ill!!!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
To keep their hair out of their eyes.
by (4.4k points)