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+44 votes
How can you decide on the price for your photographs?
by (4.3k points)

4 Answers

+18 votes
Best answer
add up all your costs... your time, your money spent to make prints, framing, etc. If you had get a babysitter for your kids, that should be included. Include your gas money, etc... anything that you spent in order to do your photography include in your expenses. Now that you have all of that added up, this is your wholesale price... double it or triple it, and this is what you should sell your work for.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
It depends on what type of photography you'll be concentrating on. . . If you do mainly weddings, check as many wedding photo. websites for prices and call other studios for prices.. . Reguardless of what you do, you have to be a good editor on the computer. A photoshop master. Consider cost of materials, cost of time shooting, cost of time editing, cost of printing, and cost of finishing pictures in albums or matte board applications, and framing.. . Be competitive if your good, charge more if you know you are better than everyone else around you. Don't haggle. Tell people that if they want quality and creativity then that is what they are paying for. If they just want pictures, refer them to another photographer that will give you a cut for the referal.. . Always check what others are doing and pricing. Attend as many seminars and conventions on photography as you can. You can get a good advantage in every aspect of photography by doing this, even pricing.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Ask foto studio what he charges for weddings, portraits, food advt. etc Movies for weddings. babys etc.. then . YOU CHARGE LESS,,,or even more!, BUT BE SURE YOUR RESULTS ARE BETTER OR AT LEAST EQUAL.. . THAT WAY, YOU GET JOBS INSTANTLY AND DO NOT BECOME A LOSER.. REMEMBER, HIS STUDIO IS FAT$$$ OVERHEAD. . RENT ONE FOR THE JOB , EVEN EQUIPMENT AND EVEN ANOTHER PHOTPGRAPHER,... TO GET PART OF THE JOB DONE.... . BIGGEST PART, IS CUSTOMER RELATIONS, . THE PICTURES ARE SO EASY TO DO RIGHT! = TODAY= WITH GOOD CANON FOR INSTANCE. ++++COMPUTER DOES IT RIGHT QUICKLY.. . Use your judgement learned through tv framing and magazine studys,,, lighting etc, hiring an unemployed expert helps a lot .. work in some pro- guys studio quickly, get the smarts needed.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
As you gain experience and develop clientele, a portfolio, and trusted experience, your pricing will increase. My friend who is a wedding photographer, increases his rates nearly every year because DANG he's good, and he just gets word of mouth referrals up the wazoo. They started out charging "going rates" for wedding photography but due to their good reputation they now only accept elite clients.
by (4.3k points)