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+12 votes
How did you come to decide on your faith?
by (4.4k points)

11 Answers

+47 votes
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I changed my faith to Hinduism from what I was brought up with, after YEARS of studying all I could about various religions, the Bible, and other Scriptures, ancient and world history, archaeology, etc. I also "studied" myself. I prayed a lot and came to understood that Hinduism is the religion of my soul, the religion I was when I was a child, before I was told what to believe.
by (4.7k points)
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0 votes
I found God this way Jer 29:11 to 13. I wasn't brought up with any christian influence God sought me and I yielded to Him
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I was a Christian, but now follow Buddhism because it makes more sense and is more peaceful.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I am a Wiccan but I was born into and raised as a Baptist. I never believed Sunday after Sunday what was being put before me. As a young teen I could not stand up in front of the congregation and 'accept' Jesus because I didn't believe and I thought to do so would be hypocritical. At fifteen I had no religion to speak of. At that time I was merely reading text after text on various religions trying to see if there was one that fit me. Then I at 16 I found books on Wicca and knew I had found my home. That was 21 yrs ago.. . When asked Why do I believe as I believe I tell people that each has their own path to walk and mine took me this way. There is no wrong path or right path only YOUR own path. To each his own.. . Blessed Be.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I am Wiccan and consider myself a Green witch. I have felt this way from childhood and have been always guided back to this belief time and time again. I was taught witchcraft was wrong but I believe it's the Original religion.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
first of I am Jewish. . my parents did not instill my religion on me. What they did was give me pride in my heritage. After that I started to explore what my people believed and why they do it. When I discovered it to be true (atleast for me) I became more involved in my religion. I am far more religiously active than my family to them I am the odd ball LOl
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I have faith in death, taxes, and stupidity. I believe it because those are the three things that never go away.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I studied other religions and the text they use to govern themself. I found falsehood many of them. And the encyclopedia really does help alot to find the roots of religions. I also tried out many including Catholics and Mormons. Not to be mean or anything but they werent a right place for me because they left too many questions unanswered. Want to know more? [email protected]
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I am LDS more commonly known as Mormons. I believe in my religion, because i have had many experiences where i feel in my soul, tht it is tru. U get a clam peaceful feeling. Evry yr LDS young women go to girls camp. We felt the feeling so stronmg there, and i cant w8 to go bak. See if u can find the missionaries, or a book of mormon, if ur interested.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
when i was growing up i was very active in my church -presby, youth group. but as i grew and realised the ways of the world, about my softmore year of highschool, i turned to the neo pagan movement. wiccan then. my husband while ok with it never realy understood, kinda crushed my spirt in all ways so i was looking at christianity again- mostly catholic, and then he got this religious kick so i agreed to be christian if it was catholic. i like the importance of the vergin. but now going through my little drama i cannot acept the thought of a male god. and the tripple aspect of the godess helps me, deep inside just calms me. it is just right so pagain again.. . the sad or funny thing, depending on your sence of humor is that i have judeo christian morals and values. i beleave in the sancity of marriage, i belive in chastity before marriage. the womans place is in the home, and children are a gift from god(dess)all of that stuff. i just cannot beleave that god is a man. so that pritty much cancles out the christian thing
by (4.3k points)