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+107 votes
How did you cope with guilt when transitioning to a new faith?
by (4.6k points)

14 Answers

+96 votes
Best answer
When I converted I did a lot of peyote.. . The shaman blessed me and the sacrament.
by (4.5k points)
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to over come this guilt you need to examine how important that believe is to you. if its that important the judment of others around you won't matter and you shouldn't feel guilty for what you believe. though sourounded by people that don't belive in my christianity i don't let that affect me. i know in whom i believe in. i know your a different religion but i hope it helps.------VJ
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
My religious foundations came with my birth into this world-. my great-grandmother practised Judaism....she refered to herself as an ISRAELITE...not an Israeli or a Jew. She was born in the late 1880' AMERICA.. . My great-grandfather was a "Buffalo Soldier"...who adopted the way of life of his wife....a Native American of the BLACKFOOT NATION. His FATHER, met my mother, who was following the religious rites of my grandmother.. . WHO AM I???...and what do I follow?. . "I hope you can imagine ...that you've journeyed with me...thru all the frozen,...un-real, un-natural lifestyle things...that we had to go order to get to a point...where WE can a place. called EULYPIA" I know where EULYPIA is.....Do you?. . I'm certain YOU know how to get there...PEACE and HEALTH to you...along the way.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Well, for one thing, if you're going to convert to a new religion, you should probably go the whole way--there's a difference between a way of life and a religion, and Hinduism is definitely a religion in every sense of the word.. . Now, as to the guilt, it's simple. If you are doing the right thing for yourself, you don't feel guilt. I certainly didn't. I was raised a Christian and converted to Wicca, something that's almost completely opposite, but to me Wicca is the religion that fits perfectly. If you do not have that some comfortable feeling, the knowing that you're right in this matter and that what you were taught was just that--teaching, not belief--then you will not truly convert and will probably return to your former religion eventually. Sorry, but if you believe in Jesus etc (and I thought it was God you were supposed to believe in, not Jesus, but oh, well, I haven't been a Christian in almost ten years so goodness knows it could have changed), you aren't going to be anything but Christian.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
ur wrong hun the voices in ur head making u feel guilty thats because u know n ur sure that there is God n who loves u n want u to stay with him because u r going to throw urself into some religions there ull b n element not a humen been God bless u n bring u back to his way
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Getting over the guilt is almost near impossible because we knowingly disobey the voice deep within us. So it is always better to avoid things that leave us with guilt.. . About the background of the issue, changing religious affiliation is your personal choice and no one can stop you from doing so, not even the law. But, if it causes guilt to linger, it is because you are not fully convinced about your view. Study a little more, seek to find the truth. Ask yourself why you want the change, what is the underlying motive. When your convictions are strong, based on truth and reason, you will not find guilt plaguing you any more.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I realize that there is no God, and wonder why I was feeling guilty in the first place?
by (4.5k points)
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I'd say be true to yourself and know what's best for you, if you think Hinduism is better then be a good one which means you can't believe in Jesus, there will be guilt yes I know but your faith must be much stronger than your guilt in order for you to follow your religion. My guess is that you are adapted with the Hindu customs of praying and rituals and stuff but of course you can't be believeing in Jesus if you also believe in reincarnation and all.. Lastly, it's not the religion that determine whether you goto heaven or not nor good deeds but it's your own belief. . . And as I Christian, I do not want to judge you but better of keep your faith in Jesus. Good Luck! God Bless
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
im sure a statue of an elephant will help you overcome your problems. you cant be a hindu Christian check the first 2 commandments.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
While becoming Hindu, you can believe in Jesus, you can believe in Muhammed, you can believe in Buddha. All roads go to heave. No diversion towards hell. Don't be a guilty concious. Every religion is the path to God, a separate and single entities. Gods are not different for individual religions.
by (4.5k points)