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+85 votes
What were the consequences for the Aztecs when Cortez arrived in their territory?
by (4.4k points)

5 Answers

+42 votes
Best answer
i learned a thing or two on here. by the way i like the aztec calender.
by (4.4k points)
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Philnancy is correct in that, for the Aztecs, the arrival of Cortez fulfilled the ancient prophecy of the return of a light-skinned, bearded man, coming in from the east.. . However, even though some estimates of as much as 90% of the population of Tenochtitlan (the Aztec capital - where Mexico City is today) died over the first years following the conquest, the civilization as a whole did not die out and their ancestors are still here in Mexico today.. . This topic is complicated, but really interesting when you take a good look at it (even though if you are doing it for homework, it may seem a little dull at first). Use your Yahoo search engine to find out more details. Type in something like "Fall of the Aztec Empire".. . If you are in a REALLY studious mood, look up "tzompantli" - - see what it was, and what Cortez' reaction to it was. You will be shocked!! Happy hunting!
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
At first they worshipped him because they fought he was a God. His coming from the sea was coincidental with an old prophecy of the Aztecs.. . Then, they died for two reasons. One is that Cortes did not respect them and treated them hard.. The other is that the Spaniards brought European diseases with them, which the Aztecs could not fight against.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Rape, torture, murder, diseases brought from Europe, pillage, mayhem, and total warfare dedicated to the near extermination of all native inhabitants. There were enough poor souls left to serve as slaves, however, which suited the victorious Spanish conquerors just fine. Other than that, everything was O.K.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
They all took a vacation and moved to Hawaii.
by (4.5k points)