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+85 votes
What steps should I take to pursue a career as a sports doctor?
by (4.1k points)

3 Answers

+42 votes
Best answer
First I would pick any local college and set up an interview to see how you would go about this if they don't carry the courses, I am sure they can put you in the right direction. This is a wonderful thing to get into, there is a large demand. Wishing him luck ! PHB
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Your son wants to get into physical therapy. I was looking into the field myself. When he finds a school he wants to go to, he should tel the counselor that he wants to be a physical therapist specifically for the sports industry. They'll know which classes he needs to take.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Hi. The field of sports medicine does not, in most places, have its own major. Rather, many schools will offer programs in Kinesiology (the study of human movement/body mechanics). Kinesiology programs will often house majors such as physical therapy, exercise science, athletic training, and sports management. Note: some schools may have similar programs/majors under different names such as "exercise physiology". Schools with Kinesiology programs tend to be the larger State schools because those are the schools that generally have more money invested with sports, and therfore better teams with which the students can work with. . . However, it is not necessary for someone interested in being a sports medicine doctor to have a degree from a Kinesiology program. Encourage your son to look into pre-medical opportunities (available at nearly every school). Once he gets to medical school (if his interest carries him that far) he can take certain classes that will put him on the right path.
by (4.2k points)