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+44 votes
What steps should I take to pursue a career as a mechanical engineer?
by (4.2k points)

3 Answers

+64 votes
Best answer
Really the major way is to go to a university and get a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. Then you can interview for mechanical engineer jobs. There are a few that don't require a degree, but you usually already have to be working for the company.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
First of all you need: . . a strong interest in mathematics and science . a strong social awareness and concern for the quality of life . a desire to put ideas into action . a curiosity about how things work and how to make them better . a good academic background with above average year 12 results in Mathematics I and II and Physics . ability and determination to succeed and to continue self-education upon completion of your studies . good communication skills . a Tertiary Entrance Ranking high enough to gain selection within the competitive quota
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
medical engineering is a type of engineering like electricity engineering.these subjects is very close to gether and many of courses is the same.. i dont know where are you from but in my country you should take an exam and if you can success in exam you can go to university and start to studying medical engineering.. after you garduted you can work in hospitals and some factories that manufacture the medical instroments, . like man made heart,
by (4.2k points)