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+68 votes
How is the distribution of donations to Katrina victims organized and where is the money stored before it is distributed?
by (4.2k points)

5 Answers

+29 votes
Best answer
Money? What money! Hell, they can't even get the trailors to the people that needed them the most and they were sitting in Ark. Money is easier to hide that a trailor but you can bet your a** some guy has made a killing of the back of those that suffered.
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
in someone pockets
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
While everyone was donating , some people were just drinking their sorrows away. Warms the heart to know what caring taxpayers are paying for... . Just makes you want to give more......... . . FEMA and Red Cross debit cards, KPRC Local 2 discovered that some of the money has been spent at local strip clubs. . The cards were given to evacuees from Hurricane Katrina to help them relocate and start their lives anew after losing everything they own. There are no rules on how the money should be spent, but most spend it on the necessities -- food, clothing and shelter.. . A manager at Caligula XXI Gentleman's Club on Westheimer Road told KPRC Local 2 that he has seen at least one debit card used at his club. A woman known only as "Abby" is a bartender at Baby Dolls, another adult entertainment club across the street. . . "A lot of customers have been coming in from Louisiana and they've been real happy about the $1.75 beers and they're really nice," she said. Abby could not say for sure which type of card her patrons have been using, but said she doesn't blame them for using federal dollars. "You lost your whole house, then, why not? You might want some beer in a strip club. There are a lot of guys out there that like to do that," she said.. . SAN FRANCISCO - Nine people were charged with bilking the Red Cross of at least $25,000 donated for Hurricane Katrina victims.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Don't tell anyone but I've got the money and I am spending it. Whoo Hoo!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I was afraid to give any money. All the donations didn't seem to help. Everyone there is still struggling. I think someone who doesn't need the money is keeping it. It sure isn't going to the right people.
by (4.3k points)