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+39 votes
What are human rights, why are they significant, and how do they contribute to individual development?
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+77 votes
Best answer
Human right is a rule that allow you to be in a state of balance with you own person and keep your integrity safe in that way you can grew up intelectual, artistic and safe in life or if you don't want to advance in those levels you will still enjoying of inner sense of peace and security wherever you are or going because nobody will disturb you.. . A human right is more about our phisical and mental health.. Human rights are totally importnat is the priority in a person that permit to became social, belong to groups create families, friends,clubs all kind of human organizations that have a common goal is important to belong to something while you are alive in other way humans suffer of social problems.. Human rights start in the family foundation, with rules that are called parents respect and sibilings also manners and ethics points.. the school is the second part of this matter after a while as people experience situations and observe the enviroment new rules appear.. The final result depend of how many elements of instruction the individual might have like social, ethic, moral, and also the religion, intelectual elements, and ideologisms.. those elemnts came in many degrees of development in each individual but if some one lacks of one of those the person will be in an state of un balance and for sure will be easy to break the well being of others that are close to them.. And in order to function well in a society we as a human beings must to fill a patron of behavior that will make us to live and to respect our surrouders.. So if some person break those rules or rights is when many problems appear and they came in several sizes since a little arguments in home manifestations, until world wars.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
u should read human rights charter or amnesty international cahrter
by (4.7k points)