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+81 votes
How does having a diverse society contribute to the protection of individual rights?
by (4.5k points)

5 Answers

+33 votes
Best answer
the idea is.... if we understand that everyone is different, with their own backgrounds and cultures and beliefs... that we should then respect everyone on an individual basis. everyone is different, yay. diversity is supposed to help us not look at people through stereotypes, but whatever.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
It doesn't. "Diversity" is a code word for quotas. True respect for individual rights would be colorblind.. . The following is added in response to the modified question "knowing about diversity" - . . It still doesn't, for the same reason. "Diversity" as it is practiced is code for including (or excluding) people based on what GROUP they are members of, and not what they are as individuals. It assumes, for example, that there is something called the "African-American viewpoint," or the "Hispanic viewpoint," or the "lesbian viewpoint," or whatever - and assumes that by including members of these groups, you have achieved diversity of outlook. The underlying assumption is that any member of that group can be counted on to have that group's desired characteristics. . . This is the OPPOSITE of individualism. It ignores the individual's identity, and focuses instead on the group's presumed identity. "Knowing about diversity" just means that you've accepted that way of thinking - and taken yourself a step further away from seeing individuals as individuals, and not as interchangeable members of some group. . . We will be closer to "individual rights" when we can stop having pissing contests about "group rights," which is what "diversity" quotas are about.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
It works by ensuring that there is no Majority Rule--just a bunch of minorities. So, tyranny can't get a foothold.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
diversity is a yearly immigrant's quotas or lottery released by the states government
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Oh yes it does,. Case in point, "Look at the Blacks, hispanics, asians, chinese, all polarising into communities, ghettos, etc. etc. LOL some philosophy u have pal
by (4.2k points)