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+48 votes
What are some strategies for an American student to build friendships with international students during their study abroad program?
by (4.6k points)

4 Answers

+37 votes
Best answer
You wont have any problems if you are honest, direct and friendly. Think before you speak, but only if you are abnormally prone to putting your foot in it. As with any prejudice, anti-Americanism falls away in the face of a pleasant representative of that group, and I think the stereotype of the obese, check-trousered, rough-shod riding Yank abroad has pretty much died out, even here.. . Enjoy your stay, and I hope you'll meet loads of new friends.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
As a brit in the US. Go where the locals go. DOnt wear plaid pants and dont shout.Americans tend to shout a lot.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Well don't worry so much first of all. Be open and friendly, ask about the local culture, do some research on the area so you're not clueless. Don't relate everything back to the States, this can be interpreted as rude. Listen when someone is talking to you, don't talk too loudly. Other than that just try and fit in as best you can. Go out for a few beers in the pub, relax, go with the flow. Good luck. I'm from Irelaand by the way.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Find the biggest guy there, and kick his a**. . Once everybody sees that you're hardcore like the Americans, and that you mean business, they won't mess with you anymore. And if anybody does mess with you, pull out a tank and blow up their whole freaking country.. We'll teach those Brits to make Nuclear weapons! Let's steal their oil and start charging $5.00.00 a gallon for it!!!!!!!!!
by (4.2k points)