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+59 votes
Why do certain animals have better sensory abilities than humans if we evolved from them?
by (4.6k points)

6 Answers

+16 votes
Best answer
Well, there is genetic analysis, both of the cell DNA and of the mitochondrial DNA. That's been pretty darn conclusive in favor of evolution.. . (But I don't know why I bother answering you; you clearly have your mind made up already and are not interested in inconvenient facts.)
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
maybe we lost touch with a lot of our senses with modern technology so we no longer had to listen for predetory animals like wolves and things. if you go to the outbacks of other countries i bet a local tribes man could see or hear something long before you or i cos he is always alert for things that want to eat you
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
That's why it's a theory. No one is "sure" of theories. Because that's what science is about, finding more information that points in a direction and changing ideas about how the world works. That's done by inference, and they have lots of clues that point toward it, like they have lots of clues that point toward the existence of molecules. No one has seen an atom though. The idea that there are atoms is also a theory. Done by inference from mathematical treatment of collected data. Just like evolution.. Does that help? I worry that so many people don't understand how science itself works, it's a pretty common misconception. Science is not like religion, it's not about beliefs, it's about explaining observations, and not being attached to those explanations.. I almost forgot your question-. There are lots of "branches" in the evolution tree. Different animals developed abilities and atributes that enhanced their ability to survive. Humans didn't necessarily evolve from those animals, they evolved from a common ancestor to those animals that may or may not live today.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Well most of the animals around today have evolved alongside man so they are not necessarily lower, they have just developed differently.. . As to why we don't have those more powerful senses then that might be because we did not need them to survive. This could be because man started to use tools to help them hunt and survive.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I think man is a lower animal. Of course fish are lower still. Birds are usually higher. . . Life is good. Take it easy.. . Are you smarter than your parents? That proves evolution right there doesn't it?
by (3.9k points)
0 votes
Certainly not!! . . But then how do we know anything other than inference and conjecture. If you actually think that you are going to find any piece of information not "guess / inferred or conjectured" by a human being while you are on this Earth - good luck ;-) If there is one truth - then that is that everything we know here is "guessed/ inferred or conjectured" by our parents and their parents and so forth.. . Given that, you can accept what makes most sense to you - and you'll not be more wrong than anybody else who does not agree with you. But then again, does it even matter.. . Now to answer your Q, man evolved from lower animals - traded a part of hearing,seeing, smelling faculties and got in return ability to develop the freaking internet so that we could freaking discuss this crap. I don't see the lower animal coming around to use this tool in near future. Hope this helps,
by (4.6k points)