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+122 votes
Discuss the effects of computers on education
by (4.4k points)

7 Answers

+92 votes
Best answer
It's huge. Even 3rd grade classrooms have computers now.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
As a library director, the computer has really changed the research because of the Internet. You are able to access the information in lighting fast speed that you had to go to the library for. You are able to search the library card catalog of the local libraries because they are now on line. A bad thing is that older people are afraid of the computer and they feel dumb because they have to relearn how to do research. Another bad thing is that some web sites who claim to be authorities on a subject are not. So they confuse the public by spreading mis information. Hopes this helps by giving you a few ideas on how to approach the project.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
-Computer science education for engineers, especially curricula and first year courses . -Instrumentation and laboratory systems, including data acquisition . -Mobile robots, impacts on engineering and computer science education . -Mobile computing (PDA, laptop, tablet PC, etc.) applications and ramifications in education . -Embedded computing, including microprocessor and microcontroller selection and applications . -Software packages, including symbolic computing and equation solvers . -Digital signal processing (DSP), including hardware/software for embedded systems . -Simulation and animation, including algorithms and artificial intelligence . -Computer architecture, including hardware descriptive languages . -Internet applications in classroom and lab, including automated evaluation systems
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
While computers provide a wealth of information that can be easily accessed for learning purposes, they have made people lazy. We rely too much on computers to do our thinking for us. Just looking at some questions and answers on Yahoo proves my point. The grammar and syntax is appauling from many people and spell check is no substitute for a good education.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
1) The web as window to knowledge i.e. enables a student to do research without having to look through books in the library.. 2) The introduction of desktop computers and word-processing have improved greatly the quality of the material presented to students and used in lectures.. 3) Online learning - make use of various forms of interactivity to engage the student in effective, and often interesting learning experiences
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Computers have a great impact on education especially for students. It makes research work or homework easier because you can surf the Internet for the answers with just one click and print them right away. Unlike going to the library wherein you have to find the right book and copy the answers which takes time and a lot of effort. It's like taking a shortcut.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
Computers have a big impact on education. Both a positive one and a negative one. Postive impact is that students now have a mass of information at their finger tips. They can research any war, read the declaration of Independence, and use the computer to look up any fact. The computer has become a key source in education. However the negative impact of the computer is when a student does do research on the internet they could come up with false information. They dont know if the sites they are using are even valid. But there are a few good educational websites out there and if students stick to those then the computers have a huge impact on education.
by (4.4k points)