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+14 votes
What was the reason behind Sherman's strategy of destroying infrastructure and resources in the South during the Civil War?
by (4.3k points)

3 Answers

+98 votes
Best answer
That was during his retreat to the sea. Its also known as scorched earth. Too keep chasing armies from following. Armies need to eat.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Sherman had pledged to make Georgia howl as he marched to the sea. The scattered resistance the south put up was only a token as Sherman Marched across Georgia. He did this to the trains to make it impossible for the south to use them again if they should reoccupy the area. He took livestock to feed his men and also keep them from the enemy.. . Scorched earth is more of a policy of an Army that is retreating, Sherman was not retreating. He was advancing. The south did not want to ruin the railroads, but Sherman did it for them.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
both north and south were fighting a war of attrition meaning fighting to the last man and supply so sherman made sure that if they did retake land they wouldnt get any resources or railroads for movement which eventually helped the north win the civil war. . guy above me read a history book man
by (4.4k points)