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+4 votes
How can I initiate the deportation process for someone who overstayed their visa in 2004?
by (4.1k points)

18 Answers

+64 votes
Best answer
Just call immigration!! They'll have him deported in a jiffy.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
What I don't understand is WHY a non-citizen can be allowed to marry a U.S. Citizen in the first place. If we change our laws, this would help to avoid these kinds of problems to begin with. These men come to America & seek out women who they can use & exoloit for citizenship, then take the children back to their country & use them as if they were doormats. I have a good friend who married an Indonesian & as soon as he had the marriage certificate in his hand, he disappeared & left her without so much as a word! About a year later, he contacts her & orders her to appear at the immigration hearing & wants her to lie. She refuses & the mans Father calls & harrasses her & her mother about their son & how could she be so cruel. He offer the Mother money to "persuade" her daughter to fulfill her obligations to her new family because he had no daughters & the wife of his son was to have the "privilege" of caring for him in his old age. These people have customs that seem to be from the dark ages & our country should stop letting them in until they follow our rules & customs. They are praying on the daughters of Americans because we have not exposed our children to things we are not aware of. We must educate our society & our children, before it is too late. Call the Embassy or the Consulate & insist they take their "trash" home! Have you turned him in for sexually violating your disabled child? He sounds like a Predator!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Thats sad, isnt it? The government needs to work a little harder to protect us REAL americans. Call Immigration on his ass!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
call the FBI
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
call ICE.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Report him and continue to follow up on report,also contact your local congressman if you feel nothing will be done.Keep the pressure on....
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Check with a good lawyer.. Custody comes down to what is best for the child. In the case you described, between a healthy father and a mother with multiple disabilities. Rarely, do the court look past the parents to other family members unless there is a compelling reason. Citizenship has no bearing.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
You need a good attorney.. If his visa is expired he shouldn't be allowed custody.. In fact you need to get an attorney to file a motion giving your daughter or you temporary full custody until it goes to court because him not being a citizen of this country puts him at flight risk for taking off with the child.. How bad is your daughters disability? How old is she?. Is there anyway you can file rape charges because of her disability's (ie if shes not able to give consent for sex). No judge in this country will give him custody (i pray) because of the fact he is here illegally unless your daughter is a drug addicted physo.. You need to contact the local media in your area.. Get the news out and on a national level. You will have attorneys fighting to represent you for free and people willing to help financially.. You will also have America on your side.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Call INS.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Deport him, but your grand daughter will not have a father. I don't know this man so do whatever you please. Do what you think is best for your grand daughter, don't do it just because you hate this man.
by (4.1k points)