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+45 votes
What are the differences between Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig?
by (4.5k points)

2 Answers

+110 votes
Best answer
there is a major difference, Jenny Craig has counselors, you have to buy their food, they are more expensive. I prefer WW because they have group meetings, you weigh in every week and have group sessions, they teach you how to change your eating habits. In order to stay within your desired body weight you need to change your life-style and WW teaches you how to do this, it is also available on line. WW also gives pointers on exercise, a whole new life-style, good luck
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
weight watchers lets you eat according to point value of food (calories) and encourages eating plenty of fruit and vegetables (which have no points)whereas jenny craig gives you all frozen or ad water food (preservatives cautious people beware) and a little do it yourself salad and fruit, weight watcher is a lifestyle people can eat like that for the rest of their lives, jenny craig can only last for so long since you have to special buy their food, the same for nutrisystem, i'm for all of them as long as you lose weight it is healthier is you lose on either diet than to carry all that weight around.
by (4.4k points)