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+31 votes
Explain the distinction between a religious and a spiritual individual.
by (4.6k points)

10 Answers

+64 votes
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We are all spiritual persons, however some need to belong to organizations and to be read to from a book of rules and regulations, they feel more confident with a set of rules. Spiritual people are not looking for books we are looking for knowledge within and without ourselves. We are open to the greater universe and the marvelous workings of nature, we don't need to sit in a building to worship our creator.
by (4.6k points)
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<---spiritual atheist. I am an atheist, but I consider myself spiritual. I am speaking for myself only:. . Spirituality does not require a belief in "god". Spirituality can mean enjoying nature and life to the fullest, being the best person one can be, ethical and moralistic living.. . Most religions require some form of belief in "god" or "goddess" or a non-corporeal entity. Religion and spirituality can go hand-in-hand just fine, but I don't see them as the same thing. . . Some people go to church, but aren't very spiritual. Some people have a deep meaningful relationship with some entity or "god", but never go to church.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
A religious person is practicing a certain religious doctrine. While a spiritual person is practicing spirituality.. . I am a spiritual person but my religion is catholic.. . My practice is spirituality which i found the best!. It is not fix like a religion. It is growing, its evolving. Its embraces all religion. while religion condemn the other. I believe in all religion and they have good and bad side. I found spirituality very flexible... We don't limit our beliefs and we are open minded.. I believe in God, I believe in Christ, I believe in the Holy Spirit.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Nope, there is a difference between religious and spiritual. Religioun is having or showing belief in and reverence for God or a deity and spirituality is relating to the inner self, i.e trying to connect with yourself.
by (4.7k points)
0 votes
nope - religion is connected to a certain system, such as Catholicism, Hinduism etc.. spiritual people do not have anything like a book or rules they live after - well each indivudal might do, but they try to find their own path tru the world of believing. . . garfield: that is impressing! good thinking/writing!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
A religious person is dedicated to follow the prescriptions in his / her religion. A spiritual person is dedicated to pursue his search within to experience life in its deeper and newer dimensions, and attempts to transcend higher levels of consciousness. However, a person can be both or either.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Spirituality means having a deep or blind belief of something which is related to the god. . and religious means deep belief in any religion
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
A religeous person believes in one or more gods, god being a kind of superbeing who pretty much rules life and the universum. They believe there is a kind of afterlive where the soal/spirit will reside.. Spiritual people also believe that the spirit lives on after the body dies and they can be in contact with these spirits, but they don't necessarely believe in a god, a heaven or a hell.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
nothing really.. . Some think that religion emplies a group that you belong to or associate with... or a specific faith to which you believe.. . While spiritual means you believe in something, but not associated or defined.. . I tend to think that a true member of any religion is also spiritual if they actually have faith. Some people hide behind a title of religion but really arent what they claim to be.. . I also believe that a spiritual person is religion because they are on their own religious path to define their own religion.. . ****. I believe that Wacko is distinguishing religion/spiritualism from philosophy
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
A spiritual person is not neccesarily conected to an orginized religion
by (4.4k points)