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+76 votes
What is the difference between political and social instability, and how do they differ from each other?
by (4.2k points)

3 Answers

+84 votes
Best answer
Social instability leads to mob violence or peaceful (nonviolent) demonstrations. It can be harsh economic or social factors.. . Political instablity can lead to revolutions and changes in government. Sometimes, anarchy and dictatorships emerge.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Social deals more in relationship between people whereas political focuses more on leadership situations. Anything that is positive or desireable towards building and maintaining healthy relationship considered as stable condition whereas those that ruined that relationship treate as vice versa. Same goes to politics, stable political situation could be hard to describe in broad way because not every country hold same kind of political supremacy. But, it is easier to look in an organisation or a company management team. Positive, desireable and of course fair judgements, treatments and punishments taken as a stable political situation whereby they work or live together in peace and harmony. Instability goes vice versa.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Social instability leads to riots. Political instability leads to coups and revolutions.
by (4.2k points)