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+88 votes
What are effective marketing strategies for a flight school?
by (4.2k points)

9 Answers

+74 votes
Best answer
A good flight school is one that have very good pilots who have multiple type ratings and effective simulators that attracts students from different airlines or even people who wish to pursue their career in aviation, the no. of simulators and diversity of aircraft training attracts those students to join and practice.. How many aircraft type simulators do you have in this flight school, make sure there is at least B737, A330,A340 and even Helicopters such as Bell212 , some people like to operator on Fokker too.. so if you want to boost ur market start from the inside, coach ur staff, spend more money on Advertisment and hopefully you will gain more customers to join your school.. I will try to contact those who are subscribing in our Authority to find out how they apply effective management and training skills in order to establish a strong name in the market.. Best of luck.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Create a website and pay extra $$ to come up first in search engines such as Google.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
try contacting the local colleges, I bet students would be interested! Good luck!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I like your website. You can go to a local university or junior college and advertise there. Your obstacle is finding qualified candidates. Once you identify who your target customer is, then advertise in the locations you will find them.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I am from around Carbondale, Illinois. The local flight schools hree get with the local universities and advertise in there papers and post bulletins in areas at the school. They also use catchy bumperstickers all over the place....people are always seen with them on there cars. You could even use your own vehicles with vinyl stickers on the back windows to show what you do. Another idea is hit local highschool seniors at job fairs to promote the idea that flying is a fun way to go with a side career or full time career. MOst local cable companies have a free advertising channel where you can call them and post a notice. You could also have a promotion added with radio and flyers and have a show or festival there.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I advertise on and get good results
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
The keys are to have ads in the media that people spend the most time with, and have a compelling reason "why" someone should come to your flight school. Don't make your ads all about your business, your staff, your services...the ads should be about the customer. Choosing a media depends on whether you want immediate results, or if you want to build better results long term. The broadcast media usually work best long term. I can make some suggestions if you like.... . Good luck!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
If you gonna find a flight school, where would you search for one? First of all, internet, engine searchs, tourism places, pages from the cities, magazines, newspapers, cable programmes...
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
try billboards, ads in every print type media and also try placing an ad in the phone book
by (4.4k points)