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+71 votes
Why don't people pay attention to grammar, spelling, and proofreading before asking questions?
by (4.6k points)

10 Answers

+28 votes
Best answer
Great observation,most people on answers will not know half of what your talking about! Some words will be to hard for them to understand,ie; atrocious,English,pathetic,prioriy,ignorance,and astonishing. AS the Mind of Mencia says' DEE DEE DEE on Comedy Central
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
hmmm but how do you know whether that person is a native speaker or not? Maybe he really is a non-native speaker?. . No need to be so serious... I mean this place is more for fun than for educational purposes in my opinion. . Feel free to insult me if you want to. but you can't hehe because this is yahoo answers not a forum muwahhahahahaha
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
And I agree with you. Unfortunately, our public schools are too busy teaching kids about drugs and handing out condoms to teach our kids the fundamentals. It is totally disgusting. (And I am not PC either. I translate that to Politely Incorrect - just like the lies they are teaching in history, when they bother to teach anything at all.) And to all you teachers out there - you have nothing but my sympathy. I have the utmost respect for teachers. Its the shameful way our administration is directing our education that makes me want to puke.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Nothing you can do about it. Seems some do not care.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Laziness is the short answer. . The long answer has been spelled out here nicely by smcin728.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Laziness and ignorance, combined with absolutely atrocious education. I once read an answer from someone claiming to be an eighth grade teacher who said that spelling didn't matter for a school project. No wonder countries like China and India, who still believe in education, are taking over from countries like the USA who worship ignorance instead.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Maybe they are in to much of an hurry, or they just don't care? I don't think that we are being graded on our English here. I know that I try to make sure everything is right just so I don't look like an idiot, but some people just don't care. Assuming that people are ignorant just because the speed through, or just don't care about how their questions, or answers appear grammatically is just wrong though. Who are you to judge? If you don't like the way somebody asks a question then don't respond to it!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Checking grammar and spelling would require a person to KNOW how to spell and how to use their words in order to form a sentence correctly. . . I suppose there really isn't an excuse for misspelling words as there is a spell checking feature, but it's obvious that many do not care to use it.. . I guess my point is that I think that you have answered your question within your question. It would seem that some don't know and just don't care ... go figure.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I believe some are in a hurry and some do not care, and yet some are illiterate and do not realize the words are spelled incorrectly even with spell check. God bless, have a wonderful day!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
because its not like a formal letter or something man. its just a question. its like IMing. people write the way they talk.
by (4.2k points)