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+83 votes
How can I manage high or low blood sugar levels?
by (4.3k points)

4 Answers

+86 votes
Best answer
If your sugar is too low, eat some glucose tablets (3 or 4) and then wait 15 minutes and check again. If it's still not above 70, repeat!. . If it's too high, check with your doctor about a sliding scale for insulin (if you're on it) or perhaps a different med (if you're Type 2).
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
If your blood sugar level is too low, eat some sugar (drink a reg. pop, for example). Wait for 15 minutes and then retest yourself. If you have glucose tablets, too, that is another option instead of pop or orange juice. Now, if your blood sugar is too high, take maybe 1 or 2 units of insulin, if you are on insulin. If you aren't, try eating some peanuts, corn chips...anything without sugar in it. Watch the signs. Do you get real sleepy when your sugar level is too high? Do you get excruciating headaches? At that point, you need to contact your doctor and see what he/she says to do.. . Good luck.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
As this is a very basic question, I suggest a diabetic education program soon.. . Also, read everything you can- that has a copyright date of less than 10 yrs ago.Things have changed greatly in the past ten years.. I wish you the very best.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
go see a doctor, for some check up, don't make it wait becuz it may cause other big medical problem possibly fatal or irreversible damage to your body!
by (4.2k points)