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+97 votes
What are the reasons behind my self-imposed starvation?
by (4.3k points)

20 Answers

0 votes
go to a nice cafe and start eating
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Go back to your doctor and request that he put you in the hospital. You really need help of the psychiatric persuasion. Please go force yourself to eat and then call your doctor!. . I've checked your profile and you want to be writer you have dreams and even if you don't know it God has a purpose for your life. If you keep this up even though I know that you feel worthless (again from your profile) you will never get to be what he created you to be. What about those he has planned to benefit from your life? It just seems that you don't know how very important you really are. Candace B may write something I really need to hear one day, something that will inspire me or cause me to change my way of thinking. Again please go get some help, go to your mom, your dad, a friend, a friends parents or a neighbor. Some one that can talk with you and help you to get the help you need.. . You're only in Junior high (profile) you have a long life yet to live.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Get some help, sister. You're anorexic, and you don't know it. You'll die if you don't gain any weight. You'll die if you loose any more. I'd tell the doctor to send me back to the hospital, the doctors will help you reach a healthy weight, and teach you to stay at a healthy weight. Just tell him/her you are VERY concerned about being thin and at the right weight. GET SOME HELP!!
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Your behaviors are very dangerous. Look at what you are doing to yourself!! . Your kidneys will start bleeding they will shut will have heart problems. All your organs WILL SHUT DOWN. It wont be too long before you do not have the energy to exercise. Finger nails and hair will fall out your eyesight will be shot. One day you'll go to smile and realize you gave up your teeth through starvation. Your skin is going to turn an ugly grayish color. Your family and friends everyone who loves you will watch this and know they can't really make you better but blame themselves anyway. When you enter a room nobody will be thinking how you brighten up but instead wonder if you know how sad it is for you.. Whatever it is you think you are controlling or hiding behind your ED....your not. You are making it worse and unless this kills you, it will be bigger and harder to overcome if you don't face it. . . It is hard, it takes time and so much prayer. Get through this and you will be so much stronger than you can imagine. I was practicing anorexia w/ bulimic tendencies for 11 years. It is still there it haunts me but I will NEVER go back. Just get some help.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Anorexia is not about eating darling...I know you want to eat. You can't eat because you are afraid of losing control, not because you don't wnt to be fat. That is a by product and an excuse... It is a promptor for the deeper underlying need to always be perfect. . . It is about control. Anorexics are notorious control freaks that have a misfiring in their brain and they can't filter or refuse to filter the proper reactions to people at the right place and time.. . learn to speak up for yourself! Quit being so timid and learn that you have the right to be who and what you are reguarless what that is... . . Anorexics usually have a very dominant person in their lives that actually made them the way they are... It is from performance anxiety, it is from a mom or dad that expects and even demands perfection. What you do or do not eat becomes the only thing in your life that you can control less their influence. . . I suggest you read a book called radical honesty and start opening up your mouth more... Speak what things need to be spoken with poise and respect to the people in your life that view you as a trophy rather than a deep sensitive human being. . . Don't kill yourself... Make yourself better and realize, the food is a prop. It is symptomatic of a deeper problem that you refuse to acknowledge. We use all sorts of things as distractions to keep us from fixing what we really should be fixing. It is avoidence, it is a crutch and it is your control. Do what you have to do and tell off the people or take care of the situations that are pressuring you and eat... Comfortably and without guilt or regret. . . Peace to your soul sweetheart...
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I think you should check your self into an eating disorder clinic. . . Good Luck!<3
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Yes, you are tired because your body doesn't have enough fuel. You must recognize that to feel better you will need to eat. And, the most important thing is not looking fabulous; it is to feel well physically.. . When you feel better after eating enough (one good meal is not enough), then your coping skills will be enhanced. It is very hard to deal with life's ups and downs when you are not eating enough.. . . But, realize you will struggle with this condition to a greater or lesser extent for the rest of your life. Choose today as the beginning, and ask your doctor to put you in the hospital because you feel out of control.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
This is very very bad you are suffering from anerexiya this is very bad you don't want to eat becuase of your weight seek medical help immediatly!!!!!!!!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Seek some help, you need food in order to live food is not the enemy.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
start by eating a little then every day eat a little more...u dont want to have tubes in u to forced to eat!
by (4.4k points)