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+72 votes
How does a landlord submit a tenant's rent payment history to a credit reporting agency?
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+81 votes
Best answer
Assuming your evicting the non-paying tenants through the court system! When you have finished the eviction process, there is a default judgement recorded in your county. The credit reporting agencies obtain this information, at least once a week, and thus it appears on their credit report, as an unlawful detainer action. If you ever see this on a prospective tenants report....don't even consider renting to this person, as he did not value himself enough, and took the risk of subjecting his credit report so negatively....It also shows that this person coct the landlord allot of hassels, and costs of legally evicting this person through the court system....and to make matters worse they probably damaged and left your property a mess on their way out.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
I would call, write the three major credit reporting agencies, and see what ther policy are for reporting. . . As an example
by (4.3k points)