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+20 votes
How can I effectively reduce my neighbor's dogs barking without causing them harm?
by (4.4k points)

7 Answers

+108 votes
Best answer
File a complaint with animal control in your city. There's no excuse for a pet owner to allow his dogs to bark excessively.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Call the cops.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Your question made me laugh. Not laughing at the annoyance you are going through. But a funny memory of what my Father-In-Law did when his neighbors dog was a barker. The dog barked all day long because the neighbors kept him in the back yard while they were at work. The dog had a nice dog house, full run of the yard and plenty of water and toys in the back yard. So the dog wasn't really barking out of boredom. But missed his owners and wanted attention. So one morning my Father-In-Law threw some left over bacon over the fence and said in a stern voice "Shut Up". He continued to do this for about a week. Yes, every morning the dog continued to bark. You could tell the dog was at the same spot by the fence. My Father-In-Law would throw bacon over the fence and say in his usual stern voice "Shut Up". There after the dog only barked for his bacon or treat. Once he got his treat from over the fence he wouldn't bark for the rest of the day or evening, until breakfast time. Give this a try, see what happens. Good luck :)
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
They make an electronic device that you point at the dog and it shuts them up and it is vet recommended
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
speak to your neighbor about controling the amount of barking the dogs do. . It's natural for them to bark when they first see someone but if it's non-stop that needs to be curbed.. It also might help if you're able to let the dogs get to know you, so you can greet them and they'll settle down sooner. . . If the neighbor refuses to work with you at all, then call the authorities to file a complaint
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Complain to your neighbor. Dogs bark out of boredom and frustration and your neighbor may not be aware that they are annoying you. That should be the first step you take. You can even let your neighbor know about the Kong toy--tough rubber that they can fill w/ peanut butter or treats that keep the dog occupied. Dogs who bark incessently are unhappy. If your neighbor does not do anything about it, then yes, file a complaint. Do not hurt the dogs--it is not their fault.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
by (4.2k points)