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+6 votes
What are the sugar levels considered high and low for people with diabetes?
by (4.2k points)

13 Answers

+92 votes
Best answer
Glucose level up to 100mg/dl are normal. Levels between 100 and 126mg/dl are considered risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Levels 126mg/gl or higher are diagnosed as diabetes.. From what I've been reading, your glucose levels may change during the day depending on what you've been eating...that is why you have to make sure to be on a good diet to keep your sugar levels normal and stay healthy.
by (4.3k points)
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Well, there you go.... another medical practitioner (Dan Arundel) that doesn't know what they're talking about. Very scary indeed! I would avoid that Ipswich Hospital in Suffolk at all costs. Suggesting you can't read a digital meter and have the decimal point in the wrong place.... imagine. Wonder what medical institution he studied at? I thought everyone knew that there are two standards for measuring blood glucose. . . 80 to 110 is considered normal for fasting blood glucose. You can safely go as high as 120 or as low as 70 without raising much concern. The further away from those numbers you go, the more concern you should have. As suggested earlier, there is a fairly wide variance allowed by many doctors. The closer you stay between 85 and 105, the better, in my opinion. I've studied this subject closely. I have gotten two books and read numerous articles on various websites mostly looking for easier and better ways to control type 2 diabetes. I've put together a little website highlighting some of the more important things I've learned here: .
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Home monitors are not accurate. 100 i believe is the cut off if you haven't eaten. If you ate recently, All those numbers are fine. If you haven't eaten I wouldn't worry because those numbers aren't that bad, but 126 you might consider asking a doctor to look more into it. The doctor probably think your a hypochondriac
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
First, you have to get your base-line. This is done by testing a "FASTING SAMPLE" of blood. You need to check your glucose level after fasting for 8 hours--nothing to eat or drink during that time. Then, take a sample of blood. Your doctor is really the only one that can tell you what your "normal" blood sugar levels should be. They will give you a range that you should be in.. . Also, it depends on your age. Everyone keeps saying that 126 is high. Well, according to my daughter's endocrinologist, her normal should be 126. So, my point is made: you need to see your doctor to get YOUR normal range. My daughter is 13. Adults have a different range than children.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
as a qualified staff nurse from England i can onlt try and answer this question. Diabetes is now a very prevelant illness and can be fatal. it is paramount that you take control of it as it can lead to keto-acidosis and death if ignored. i would imagine (and hope!) that you are reading the the results wrong. 126 shoul be 12.6 110 should be 11.0 otherwise i would get yourself to hospital quick. The normal range for Human blood Glucose readings is imbetween 4.5 and 9.0. diabetes is a disorder of the pancreas, which normally produces insulin that regulates blood sugar levels. when the pancreas is damaged, as in diabetes, insulin production is altered, resulting in either high blood sugars (BMs) or Really low BMs. text back for more info.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
With family members that have it,....they say between 80-110 is what is considered normal. . As others have stated this is very serious. When they diagnosed my niece when she was 6 the doctors told my sister that she should be in a coma or dead due to a count of 1097. She stayed in hospital for almost 3 weeks getting better. . However alot depends on what you eat,etc of course.. Speak with you doctor to answer your questions. As I believe the numbers are different for different people,....size,etc. . Hope this helps. Best of luck to you.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
when fasting(first thing in the morning) your blood sugar should be between 60-90. before meals 60-105 after mmeals 120 or less
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
126 is high but not too bad. Doctors are all different. At one time they thought anything under 200 was not good, but not harmful . Now they have lowered that to 120 or 150. 110 is definitely not harmful, but slightly high. 74 is good . 80 is good, 85 is good. If it is 60 you had better eat some candy, somewhere below there you will pass out. Generally high, you won't pass out, but you will have aches and pains because the excess sugar is getting into your muscles and causing long term damage to your heart, Kidneys, maybe liver, blood vessles in your extremeties. I have had 490' s twice in my life and that is very harmful for any length of time. I have lost some feeling in my feet, because of that. It is permanent. If I would have let it go on, would have lost total feeling, any foot injury would have gone unnoticed, gangarene then amputation would be the final result. Since the other organs are being damaged also at this level, eventually death. To be really safe, keep it under 110 and over 70
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
There are definitely different meters. My Doctor has told me that anything under 10 first thing in the morning before eating is good. I have gone as low as 2.2 where I had to drink orange juice to raise it and as high as 27 which required a hospital trip. The numbers fluctuate during the day depending on what you eat. I would think keeping an average 7.5 would be best.
by (4.2k points)
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My husband is diabetic and his meter reads: 8 as high. 4 as getting low. At 30 the doctor went nuts and dragged him out of work by ambulance.. See, there are different meters. . Ask your doctor.
by (4.4k points)