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+79 votes
What are some effective, low-cost methods for losing weight quickly?
by (4.3k points)

11 Answers

+19 votes
Best answer
If this is your first time then sign up for a program called weight watchers. They set you up on about a 3 week diet. They have lots of foods in grocery stores, that get cooked in microwave or oven. Work out and drink lots of water and protien.
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
As a fully qualified nutritionist I would like to recommend the only surefire way of achieving this.. . Basically go to any DIY store and purchase some superglue and a pair of marigold gloves.. . Once home apply said glue to your lips ( be quite certain that the lips you apply it to are your own and not someone else's ). . Also be certain that you apply to your correct lips ie not anal lips as this could potentially cause the opposite effect to the one required.. . I wish you luck in your request but having tried it myself on various occasions I am pleased to say I now only weigh about 26 stones.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Don't know. But I suggest you change your lifestyle and do this forever. Drink lots of water, walk, run, or swim an hour every day except 1 then do stretching and upper body toning. Eat fruits & vegetables.. . No alcohol. no bread. no burgers. No candy. No chips. no corn. no fried foods. No pasta. No pizza. No potatoes. No sodas. No sugar. . Good Luck
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Try LYSE XL , get a 2 weeks supply for free
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Hi Louise,. . The answer is simple but not easy I'm afraid. You need to exercise. If you've not done much running before I would suggest a run/walk session. Run slowly for maybe 5 minutes, then walk for the same. Repeat for maybe a total of 20 mins to start with and then build up.. . Of course, you need to eat properly too. The trick is to plan out your eating for the day i.e. know exactly what you're going to have for breakfast (v.important), lunch and dinner - and maybe a couple of small treats. This way you don't have to think about food which makes life a lot easier.. . Oh and by the way this all worked for me. I lost 4 stone over a period of a few months and have kept it off. Now I do triathlons for fun!. Good Luck!
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Drink lots of water, eat well and do lots of exercise!
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Don't buy so much food. Excercise on your stairs at home. Drink water. Learn to go without sugar in drinks. Never put butter or margarine in filled sandwiches.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Hi there,. . I could easily give you strict guidelines and an exercise routine, but lets face it who actually lives like that? So, here are some tips for people who have real, busy lives.... . . Please please PLEASE don't go on one of these calorie, carb, or points counting diets etc.... I don't know of anyone who has the willpower or time to actually do the counting let alone stick to the diet! Also, diet pills and quick fixes are sooooooooo unhealthy; the diet pills don’t even work!. . Just start eating healthier, watch the saturated fat you eat (fat that is solid at room temperature e.g. bacon rind, the fat in cheese, beef dripping...) don't deprive yourself of anything or it will just do your head in, you'll want it all the time! . . Try not to eat ready meals. If you do, check the labels for nutrition content – anything with more than 10% fat or sugar is a no go, and really watch the saturated fat. You need fat in your diet, but not saturated fat! . . If you fancy chocolate, have one of those little freddo bars by Cadbury, tiny bars of chocolate that satisfy the craving. Instead of crisps, try seasons by Quaker: don’t be put off by the fact they're crisp breads, its the same as eating anything made out of corn e.g. salt and vinegar chip sticks, wotsits etc! They taste gorgeous (not 2 fussed on the cheese and onion ones though, a bit bland for me!) and they only have 2.5g of fat, 0.4g of which saturates, fantastic! They do have over 100 calories, but if you're eating plenty of fruit and veg. based meals throughout the day this is fine. . . Try this site for healthy recipes (you can even filter the search results for recipes containing the most amount of calories and fat etc you want, or if you have to avoid certain foods you can use the filter to do this too, really good idea) Its brilliant. is good too. the BBC food site has nice recipes, too. Just look for simple ones that don’t take too long or don’t require ingredients you'll use once and throw away. . . Look for healthy soup recipes to take to work. They’re so easy to make and last up to 3 days in the fridge so once you've made it you don’t have to worry about what to have for a few days! Just have a brown bread roll with it, I’m not keen but Kingsmill ones are lovely. But always use stock granules, much healthier and easier, and i actually prefer using them. The knorr chicken one is brill, I haven’t tried the vegetable one yet though. If you can't take hot food to work, try to steer clear of sandwiches, especially white bread. Try wholemeal pitas filled with grilled chicken and salad, Hellmann’s extra light mayo if you don't want it too dry, or use wholemeal bread or rolls. Greg’s bakers to stunning bread - I think it's called GI bread and its got seeds and stuff in it. Now I don't normally like stuff like that but its soooooooo nice! Try to keep fillings as healthy as possible.. . It doesn’t have to be salads, fruit and veg. all the time though - home made chilli con carne and bolognaise is really healthy as long as you use extra lean minced steak, and oil and water spray instead of just oil. Serve with medium egg noodles instead of spaghetti.. . You can even have a cooked breakfast if you're careful! Baked beans are sooooooo low in fat. Have them with a scrambled egg, wholemeal toast with a THIN scraping of low-fat spread (unless you’re having the beans on top, then you won’t need it!), grilled mushrooms and tomatoes, and 2 slices of bacon, grilled with ALL the fat cut off beforehand. but steer clear of those sausages!. . When frying, don't use lard or dripping - use SUNFLOWER oil, mixed with water in a spray bottle. You can even add herbs and spices for more flavour. And invest in a George Foreman grill, they're fab!. . Chicken and turkey are the leanest meats, and chicken is sooooooooo versatile there’s so many recipes for it! Even i
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
For a start, nice and easy; get walking! Try to keep as active as you can throughout the day; is all very well going for a run every morning but if you slump around for the rest of the day, it's not gonna do you a huge benefit. Get rid of as much junk food as you can; perhaps keep your 'must have' food for twice a week just so you don't go crazy! Try to base your meals around fruit and veg; if you concentrate on this and eat all the veg first you'll find you don't have so much room for the rest of the food. This way you'll dramatically reduce your calorie intake but you won't go hungry!. Good luck; if you want any more info or advice you can message me whenever you want
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
There are plenty of free diet websites, just do a search. . . Or, go to the libary and check out the diet books -- there's hundreds.. . Or, for the price of 2 pizzas you can join a weight loss group like Weight Watchers (ouch, weekly meeting fees) or the Kimkins diet website (one time fee for life).. . You might prefer a slower weight loss diet like Weight Watchers. Count on losing 1-2 lbs a week.. . You might prefer a faster weight loss diet like Kimkins. Count on losing 4+ lbs a week, many members lose 1 lb per day.. . The best diet is the one that you can stick with long term. It also depends on what your goals are. Find a good support system.
by (4.6k points)