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+21 votes
Define the term 'faith' in a philosophical context.
by (4.4k points)

11 Answers

+85 votes
Best answer
"Faith is an act of the intellect, moved by the will, moved by the grace of God" - Catechism of the Catholic Church. . (Faith isn't a crutch to be used in the absence of reason. God invented reason and gave it to us to use to find Him).
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
faith is the substance of things hoped for!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Belief in something that is not proven or can't be proven,. . I suppose.. . A
by (4.2k points)
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Hebrews 11:1 What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.. . The beginning point of faith is believing in God's character: He is who he says. The end point is believing in God's promises: He will do what he says. When we believe that God will fulfill his promises even though we don't see those promises materializing yet, we demonstrate true faith (see John 20:24-31).
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Sometimes when our senses and reason cannot empirically prove a thing, we will affirm what we believe to be true and act on that basis. that moment was referred to as Taking A Leap of Faith - by Philospoher Soren Kierkegaard, who many have enjoyed reading. I've provided a link below to hos writings.. . Much understanding has happened in the realm of the unseen since he lived...including radio, electricity, microwaves, knowledge of ultra-violet light, and cellular science. Current speculation in the realm of suprising phenomena and faith (that is especially compelling to many) is known as Quantum Physics. You may enjoy reading Kierkegaard, Quantum Physics, and also about commonalities affirmed in the worlds great spiritual traditions..and perhaps, no matter how rational, you may be suprised by an emerging experience of faith that is both comforting and a strength. It is no reason to give up ones brain or reasoning however. _Come, let us reason together_ is a phrase central to many gatherings that affirm faith. The Talmudic and other questioning/teaching traditions are examples wherin the complimentary nature of questing, taking action, and to a degree, living simply by faith are explored. in the context of community.
by (4.7k points)
0 votes
Faith means you believe in things that you sometimes can see and sometimes can't. What do you want the things that you can see to accomplish? You have faith that they will. By faith, you attempt to manifest that same power within toward what you can't see.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
faith is accerpting and believing that your prayer have been answered onced you say amen. faith is when you go to the shop and start telling your self that nothing will happen to you because God is with you, or if you die or ends up in hospital, than it was meant to be, or that you pray for some thing previously and God wants you to do something which you will only discover later( for example if you pray to God that you want to be a millionaire in two days) God will warn you of the dangers that you are taking if you become a drug addicts once you have the money. supposed you are looking for a job, you start praying in worship to God, pouring out to him all your troubles, and you suddenly starts crying for no apparant reasons(you cry because you have been praying over and over but you seems just not to get any job) but because you were really serious with the prayer, an instinct will tell you where to go, and what to say on the interview for the the JOB, that instincts you felt is God,s voice, because you goes all the way to do what that instinct told you, you ends up believing that you will get the Job no matter what, and you got the Job. and you say thank you God. that is what is faith. you have faith because you believed the inner voice, but be care ful inner voice can be two. there is good souls and bad souls which are all called inner voice. the first one is God telling you what to do, and the second one is satan.or sometimes satan comes first. did you ever try stealing your mother,s money, you said no i won,t steal, yes i will steal.and you ends up saying i won,t steal and you felt good about it. that means you have won God,s trust in one context, because of that God will always try to avoid you falling into trouble in future, that is why you ends up dying old without doing Bad things. you can also have faiths in others( if you happen to think of a friend arguing with you every day)the thought will become so bad that you ends up getting sick about it, sooner or later your friend will come to you with lots of arguements, because you have been prepared for that, you will know how to answer to her avoid that happening you will need to pray to God so that what ever you feel that is bad will be easily avoided, so you have trust in God and he will continue to build your faith in him.God is Greater than every problem on earth, there is nothing he can not do.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
The time has come when the inner and outer sciences can live in harmony. Everything can happen only at a particular time. Religion reached its ultimate peak in the Buddhas; now science is also coming to an ultimate peak. . . And only when two things have grown is a meeting possible. A seed cannot meet a tree; the seed will have to become a tree. Only then, high in the clouds, can they whisper to each other, can they fall in love with each other, can they embrace each other. A seed cannot have a dialogue with a full-grown tree; it is impossible. . . The seed will not know the language of the tree, the tree will not understand the language of the seed. Religion has been in a mature state for almost five thousand years. Science is still growing, coming to maturity. Hence I say this time is one of the most precious times. . . You are fortunate to be alive today, because something immensely great is going to happen — and that is the meeting of science and religion, the meeting of West and East, the meet-ing of the extrovert and introvert mind. . . The coming together of science and religion will create the new man who will be able to move easily to the outside or into the inside, who will be able to move easily into the extrovert world of science and into the introvert world of religion — just as you move outside your house into the garden and back into the house. . . It is not a problem; you don't need any reconciliation. You need not make a great effort each time you come out of your house onto the lawn — you simply come out. Just as easily as you come out of your house and go in, a total man will be able to move into science and religion; the inner and outer will both be his. . . Carl Gustav Jung has divided human beings into two: the extroverts and the introverts. His categorisation is relevant for the past but will be utterly useless for the future, because the future man will be both. In the past, we have always been categorising in this way, but the future . am not saying biologically — biologically the woman will be a woman, and the man will be a man — but spiritually the future man will have as many feminine qualities as the woman, and the woman will have as many masculine qualities as the man. . . Spiritually they will never be labelled as man or woman any more. And that will be real liberation — not only liberation of women, but liberation of men, too: liberation from straitjackets, liberation from imprisoning categories, liberation from all labels. . . Men and women will cease to be Hindu, Mohammedan or Christian; Indian, German or English; white or black. Not that colours will disappear — but these will become irrelevant, trivial, meaningless. . . The new human will have a universal consciousness, and the foundation will be laid by the meeting of science and religion.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
The belief in something that does not exist and we cannot explain. It's usually for the bungled and botched to feel better about something that doesn't really exist. Faith ultimately comes from latin for "facide" or "facade" which is what we use today to describe a persona or lie we put up as a country or a person to be perceived as something different. Ahhh yes.......religion....the graNDEST FACADE Of them all. be well, jack
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
leaning on something, relying on something. something partly or fully hidden... we see the effects of God, but God is hidden. Angels might walk by sight... but people walk by faith.. . God is glorified in man's dependence. More specifically, saving faith glorifies God by leaning on the work of Jesus on the cross, believign for eternal life. . I think saving faith is a leap toward the light, as Jesus said. this is the judgement that the light has come into the world and they loved the darkness more than the light in John 3. I do not belief saving faith is blind.
by (4.4k points)