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+83 votes
What are the contexts in which a black person can use the 'N' word and why is it not allowed for others?
by (4.4k points)

29 Answers

+55 votes
Best answer
A guy I worked with used this word when talking about some of his friends, and I asked him about it. To paraphrase his response, he said that it was a disparaging word used to put people like him down for years, and by people of his ethnicity using the word among themselves it took a little bit of sting from the word and made the word not seem as hurtful, mean spirited, or derogatory. Since I am white, the word would still have a hurtful, mean spirited, and derogatory meaning if I were to say it since I had never experienced being called that name.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Nobody should be using that word. It means ignorant person and I dont associate with igonorant people.But here is something to think about. Why do white people call each other "Crazy Crackers & Trailer Trash? Why do some Mexican's call each other "Wet Backs"?
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Honestly... it's not good for anyone to say it. I'm Black and Indian and in my family the word is used towards each other in a playful manner which really isn't cool. The "N" word was given to Black slaves back in the day to degrade them. Today the word said from another ethnicity basically means the same thing... it's degrading. But never the less saying to each other just seems like where hypocrites. It's bad either way it goes!
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
listen ... let me break it down like this ..short and sweet .. a black person callin another black person .. is kinda like a sign of understanding.. if there was a white person that was "down" then in some cases..he is ok ..... another example..for females... if ur homegirl called u the b..word ..u would think nothin of it..but if a stranger called u the b word .. u would flip out ... kinda the same thing .... the n word is a sign of disrespect .. as far as black and white goes
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Personally, i don't think ANY race should use that word. It is a historically offensive word to black people and at the same time a historically racist term that is often directed a black people by white people. Why use the word period? It doesn't do anything but cause anger and obviously confusion. However, black people use the word amongst each other because the mindset is that "if you take the word and use it freely and amicably, then it no longer has power" however, using the term with other black people hasn't lessened the magnitude of the word when other races use it. Now, white people shouldn't use it because it was originated by that race to be a derogatory term for black people. Even in today's society, i would think a white person wouldn't feel comfortable even using that word. As for the students in your class, if the white person said the N word because he was referring to something written in a book (for example Tom Sawyer novels use the word freely) then the black student probably overreacted. However, if he was just using it to be using it, that was really bad judgment on his part and i understand why the black student got offended. Basically, it's a very problematic word that needs to be eliminated completely unless using it in reference to old literary works. As far as the whole african american, black person or caucasian, white person question....i am black and i am not offended when a white person refers to somebody as a black person because i refer to those in the white race as white people. African american makes some black people feel more comfortable but personally, i think the word is technically incorrect to use. To say african american implies that we are former citizens of africa who have just gained citizenship in the united states. Though many black people's ancestors may be from africa, over the decades...we can no longer be considered to be african americans....we are just americans. Just as if a white persons ancestors came from Germany many many decades ago...i wouldn't call that white person a German American...if they were born here, they are just americans. I guess the differences could be said that we are black americans and white americans. I hope that kind of helped.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I still wonder what people's fascination with this word is and attempting to justify its use because someone else uses it. Its alot like if somebody jumps off a bridge, are you going to follow?? Also, I grew up in NYC and their are alot of ethnic groups that use words to describe themselves that are exclusive to them, why no big question as to why Irish, Italians, or any other group call themselves micks, or guineas? Would you go up to a group of Italian gentleman and start dropping the "g" word, or go to an Irish bar and begin calling everyone the "m" word, I think not Why?? It has nothing to do with political correctness, it has to do with doing something foolish that could get you physically hurt. So, like I have heard a thousand times today you do have freedom of speech and if you want to call someone the "n" or any ethnic or racial slur, go right ahead, but chose your choice of location wisely.. One more thing about us calling ourselves African American why is their so much discussion about this, if this is what we chose to call ourselves, so be it. If you don't like it ---tough! Now go to Little Italy and ask why they fly Italian flags, or step up on St. Patty's day and pull down the Irish flags. Go to any big city and you will see flags from all over the world flying, so before you question what I chose to call myself go ask them why they arent flying American flags. Their is such a double standard applied in matters like this it really makes me wonder why people act like their is a raging race war going on in this country. No, last time I looked their wasn't just a bunch of racists hiding behind "I just want to know why...." questions. It truly makes me sick.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
If your ancestors were enslaved for hundreds of years and treated like trash until the 1960's(which last time I checked was only 40 years ago) you would beable to have words you can use and others cant. They word n igger was used as a derogatory term for centuries towards ebony skinned people, since they were liberated it was turned into a racial term that many blacks use to show their brotherhood, a bond that was built on hatred, lies and deceit.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
blacks think that whites are discriminating them if they use the n word. if blacks use it with blacks, then they feel comfortable with it because they are of the same race. its probably like this because of history blacks being discriminated by whites during slavery and during martin luther king jr's time.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
I think it's because no other race has the right to lower their esteem or put them down. But if that is what they want to do to each other, they feel it's just fine. It's alright to show your ignorancy as long as it is with your own race, I guess.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
That "N" word means trash... I say go ahead and laugh at them when they are calling each other trash and thinking. they are cool. I guess it just shows their intelligence. If you want you can join right in with them, but why put yourself on their level?
by (4.0k points)