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+31 votes
What is the meaning of a line item veto and in which contexts is it used?
by (4.3k points)

2 Answers

+76 votes
Best answer
As the previous responder said, a line-item veto is used to veto only a part of a bill, especially appropriations bills, which can contain a huge number of provisions. Congress often likes to insert controversial measures into these, because they know the President will likely not veto the whole bill. Line-item veto is not allowed for the president by the United States Constitution, but was briefly used by Clinton when Congress passed the Line-item Veto act of 1996. It was ruled unconstitutional after its first use.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
"In government, the line-item veto is the power of an executive to veto parts of a bill, usually budget appropriations. This enables an executive to nullify specific provisions of a bill, rather than only being able to approve or veto a bill in its entirety."
by (4.2k points)