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+52 votes
How do I properly cite a webpage in a reference list?
by (4.2k points)

3 Answers

+56 votes
Best answer
I always put the name of the site, the link, and the date it was created/last updated (in that order). If the author's name is there, I will add that as well. I haven't had an issue yet.
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
Citing your works from a website is very easy. All you do is put down the website that you got your information from. But you can't use sites like google, ask, or yahoo. You can use those to find your informaion but you just can't use that web address you have to use the actual websie where you found your information.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
i dont know how your teacher likes it done, but my teacher told me to just copy and paste the link to the website, tell the date (websites get updated often where as books dont), and if you can, tell who created the webpage. :-) hope this helps
by (4.5k points)