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+105 votes
My car won't start because of moisture, and I sprayed engine cleaner while it was off. What should I do to get it running?
by (4.0k points)

4 Answers

+50 votes
Best answer
If you used gunk and then used WATER to clean it off, it could be possible you have moisture in the distributor cap ,so if your car has a distributor you must dry it . frist assuming you can remove the distributor cap ,inspect it for moisture,if it does have moisture try using a dry clean cloth to remove moisture,the blow dry with blow dryer ,also ckeck your igntion coil ,make sure it is moisture free.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Dude, cars will not crank because of bad starters, bad batteries, electrical problems.. . Now, if it turns over but no start,, spray wires cap plugs with WD-40, not grease
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
If your car won't crank, it isn't because of moisture. You have a discharged battery, bad connection, or a bad starter. Charge battery first. (or if it won't charge, replace it) If that doesn't help, clean connections. If that doesn't help replace the starter.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
When you sprayed your engine down you might have got some in your distributer cap. I would look in your engine take off the cap and wipe it out with a dry clean cloth. Also check your wires maybe some water is shorting it out. Next time you do that...use dielectric grease on your spark plug wires (on both ends)and on the distributer cap. It will keep from water getting in. Its non conductive, and its a good sealant.
by (4.2k points)