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+123 votes
How can I ensure a website is safe before entering my credit card information?
by (4.6k points)

4 Answers

+22 votes
Best answer
First of all, use the latest version of Internet Explorer with has a anti-phishing feature to detect fake websites. Besides that, you can try using McAfee Site Advisor. It's great to detect online fraud.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Look on the lower right hand side of the browser window at the bottom, if it displays a closed pad lock it's ok, it it doesn't don't enter your info. That means that you info will be encrypted and that makes it more secure. - Good question. -James
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
"Computer Help". For your questions about hardware, software, internet, general or for downloads. . You can get AVG, ZoneAlarm and many reputed antivirus and antiSpyware . firewall software....can purchase or for free... visit......
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
check on your address bar that it says https:\\. The s stands for secure
by (4.5k points)