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+119 votes
How can I terminate a lease agreement?
by (4.6k points)

3 Answers

+81 votes
Best answer
Check your lease for details on what happens if the lease is terminated early. This might not be possible since all three of you signed the same lease. However, if your landlord and former roommates are willing to work out a new lease, you could offer to take the penalty for early lease termination yourself and then just your roommates could sign a new lease. Also, you could work with your roommates to find a subleasor.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
As a former residential property manager I can tell you that this happend all the time. We usually did let that person out of the lease if the other roomates had something in writing acknowledging the roomate moving out. If there was going to be someone else moving in, they would have to have the same or better credit. As well as the income. Talk to your roomates and ask if they know of anyone who wants to move in and take over your portion of the rent.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
You usually can't get out of a signed lease.Unless you can get someong to sublet for you. Did you tell the landlord why you are moving. Did he do anything about it? Is there any clause in the contract about no parting? or any thing that the landlord didn't hold up to. If so bring the situation up to him/her. Take it to small claims court. Good Luck.
by (4.4k points)