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+51 votes
How can I make my Sims characters engage in romantic activities?
by (4.4k points)

4 Answers

+86 votes
Best answer
I always had to make them fall in love first. Otherwise they weren't having it. I've never played on PS2 ,but Sims 2 on the computer htey can woohoo in the hot tub.. . ..I think I'm going to go woohoo my husband now.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
they don't have to fall in love first, according to my wife, they can woohoo when they're in bed but they do have to be at least friends to do it. They do have to be kissing first though. Then it should give you the option. I swear anyone who plays that game is just a control freak!!
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I think or would be able to help u. I belong to both of them and they are game sites. Idk if there are message boards on gamespot, but there are on IGN. Go to the message boards and post that question. some1 will help u. It is less likely for u to get your answer here.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
First, they both have to love each other,. Then make them relax on the bed 2gether. Click on the sim no choosen, and the option should be there
by (4.2k points)