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+58 votes
How can one break the habit of masturbation?
by (4.3k points)

10 Answers

+24 votes
Best answer
if you wanna stop all you have to do is use self control. it will be hard if your that "addicted" but if you put your mind to it, i think you can stop.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Get a girlfriend, Then you might be able to get that number down to about half....Good luck., Don't hurt yourself (Unless you're like into that or something)
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
does it really matter if you enjoy it???? lol
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Get a girlfriend, if not than Happy Wanking. There's nothing wrong with doing it everyday, it keeps the plumbing working.. . Remember the saying "Use it or lose it".
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You need to find a woman addicted to sex,this should work.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
don't worry about it, just chill and check out felicity fey
by (4.3k points)
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by (4.1k points)
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Masturbation Frequency:. . How often does the average male masturbate?. It depends on a lot of factors, the most important being age. For an 18-year-old male, a rough average is once a day or so. This is slightly higher for younger teenagers — maybe 10 or 12 times a week, and slightly lower for older people. You might be surprised by how often adult men masturbate — even happily married men.. . I think I'm addicted to masturbation. Is that possible?. It is, although many, many people think they're addicted when they're really just doing what comes naturally. For more on this topic, read the article Is Masturbation Addictive?( . How can I masturbate less often, or quit altogether?. It's tough; it takes a lot of will power. It can be done, especially if you're driven by very strong religious feelings. However, JackinWorld's position is that it's not worth it. We think you should enjoy the harmless pleasures your body can provide.. . Connection between ejaculation frequency and prostate health . . QUESTION:. I have been coming across articles on the connection between masturbation, ejaculation, and overall health. I was very surprised about this article from the Cancer Council Victoria in Australia . It was a study that confirmed that ejaculation frequency is important for a healthy prostate. The protective effect was most significant in men in their twenties who ejaculated on average 7 or more times per week. It compared this against same-age men who ejaculated less than 3 times per week. I made a New Year's resolution to pay attention to my body and to ejaculate at least once a day. I feel much better for it and my penis strength and sexual urge has increased immensely. I feel balanced. After a year, I can't imagine going back to my old repressed frequency and probably couldn?t keep from cumming for a whole day if I tried now. Why aren?t people made aware of this need? After getting used to daily +, I often have the urge to do it even more, but hold back. Are there any physical problems with over ejaculating? . . ANSWER:. What a fabulous New Year’s resolution to pay attention to your body! Your efforts are worth applauding, as being in tune with yourself and your new masturbation schedule seems to have paid off, as you note that you feel “balanced” and “much better for it.” Happily, no physical problems are associated with over-ejaculating, so don’t worry about giving in to the natural urge to enjoy and pleasure yourself more often. You clearly have a strong awareness of the positive effects of masturbation on your body, so go ahead and experiment with masturbation frequency – in this way, you can determine what frequency feels best for you and your regular routine.. . You also ask why people aren’t made aware of the “need” to masturbate often. Good question – especially in light of the study’s findings that frequent ejaculation helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Unfortunately, self-stimulation – as with most sexual acts – is often viewed as shameful, dirty, immoral, and all sorts of other negative adjectives. Wouldn’t it be great if masturbation could be seen as the healthy, enjoyable, and beneficial activity it really is, openly talked about and (gasp!) endorsed? Perhaps one day it will be – with more people like you who are open-minded and bold enough to talk about it in a positive light. . . Enjoy – and pass that article along to friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, and anybody and everybody else! . . A picture is worth a thousand words, so a thousand pictures are worth a million words!. . . Check these (and more in their links) groups about my own favorite and "odd"/different/"wei
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
My husband masterbates when its that time of the month and i'm on the rag once while he was doing his hand slipped off & he hit himself in the eye it was black for about a week he would not tell anyone what happen but i told all my girl friends they got a big laugh.That was real you should have seen it it was halairous . hes kinda clumbsy once when we were leap froging he fell and broke his wrist when he tried to mount.One time we was reaching to high point & both of us fell off the bed.I can tell some really funny stuff.One while we were at it the headbosrd was bumping agaisnt the wall and the pictue fell off that was over the bed hit him on the head knocked the picture out of the frame and all the frame fell around his head.. What i hate is our dog likes to watch us because i think hes laughing at us..
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
First of all spell it correctly M-a-s-t-u-r-b-a-t-i-o-n. My 3rd grade teacher made us spell a lot of words that she wouldn't define.Some of them I don't understand yet, like vagina, clitoris, and glans.. . Second, masturbation is no more a habit than picking your nose with the same hand. . . Third, only a normal person would be turned on by seeing a naked girl or man, depending on which you prefer.. . So either become celibate or enjoy yourself. Burn your porno but not on the front porch.. . Sex does get better with a partner. Try that sometime.She might even touch your penis and squeeze your glans. But don't get too tough with her clitoris or by sticking your nose picking hand in her vagina.
by (3.9k points)