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+58 votes
How can I locate real estate foreclosures in my area?
by (4.2k points)

5 Answers

+65 votes
Best answer
There are many sources that will "sell" you a list, however if you don't want to pay for the directory, you may want to try and hook up with a real estate company, or relocation dept. of a real estate company who would have access to them. I am not sure how you would go about getting them from banks directly. You can find partial lists on the web by simply running a search for foreclosures and your city.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
The easiest way to find foreclosures is to use an online service that specializes in collecting that kind of data. Some realtors don't even know where to begin with foreclosures. And if you do the research yourself you'll spend days with public records. . . I recommend They have tons of listings and have articles and such to help you through the process.. . If you don't want to pay, some services offer a 7-day trial... so go for that.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Actually there is a list of auction times at the court house or sheriffs office if you do some digging. Most foreclosures are auctioned off to someone paying cash if the amount of the sale covers the amount owed.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
They must be listed in legal notices in a local newspaper, you can probably find them on the website for your newspaper. Don't bother with real estate agents, the only thing they can do for you is if they home to be foreclosed on is on the market you can buy it before it forecloses. . Even if they are in the paper, many times they are cancelled before happening even up to the minute of auction. . Do your research before placing any bids - you don't want to get stuck paying liens on the house or first mortgages if the judgement is a second mortgage amt
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
talk to real estate agents and the bank they all want to make some money so will be willing to help you there
by (4.3k points)