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+114 votes
How can national pride contribute to conflicts and wars?
by (4.4k points)

6 Answers

+58 votes
Best answer
A patriot is somebody who loves his country. . Therefore the country of this patriot is by definition the best of the world.. Therefore, the other countries must be worst.. As the other countries patriots does think that their countries are the best in the world also; There is a unsolvable misunderstanding which usually finish into war.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
There are many examples look at some of the former Soviet republics patriotism lead to their independence from the Soviet Union but afterward many Russians Ukrainians and other minority groups in some of these republics where harshly persecuted and in some cases this has led to war we should be careful in the U.S. because all the patriotism you hear about could very well lead to a war against immigrants and all the minority groups.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
"You are either with us, or you are against us." G.W. Bush. . "Support our troops in Iraq. Remember 911." (OK um...wasn't it Afghanistan?) This was a sign over the 405 freeway two years ago.. . Recent cases seem pretty manipulative of patriotism, however, WWII was plain human decency.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
if output of war may bring glory to the nation , then pat.. may lead to war. but most of the case reverse takes place.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrle" the saying goes. Here are some who wrote about this topic:. . . As early as 1864 Tolstoy wrote about patriotism:. . . You can find a lot more of rethoric on the subject just by typing you question into google, yahoo, ask,com, answer com. etc.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Patriotism is a component of group identity creation(as well as a tool of state formation and state reproduction/maintenance.) In turn group identity creation is inherent to socialisation. Through group identity we define ourselves. Group identity seeks to homogenise the characteristics of different groups: the “us” and the “them” (others). “Us” as the opposite of “them”.. . Often the process of group identity creation results in the vilification of the “them-group” willing ascribing positive attributes to the “us-group”. In turn, the vilification facilitates the differentiation, distancing and dehumanization of the members of the “them-group”. Once this has been achieved the absence of empathy renders it less problematic to attack and attempt to destroy the members of the “them-group”. . . Pride in who you are, where you come from is not a bad thing. Everything around us makes us who we are as individuals. However, believing that a group's vision of the world is the absolute truth will undeniably lead to clashes with other visions of the same world. . . Patriotism can blind us to the fact that individually we tend to have similar aspirations and desires regardless of where we come from, we want to live, and work, love, laugh and cry…In this way, patriotism can blind people and make them believe that between groups, existing differences whether physical, social, religious, economic, ethnic (among others), are a matter of survival. Once our group's survival is perceived as threatened the commonalities that individuals share become blurry when considered as a mass. . . Differences will always exist they make for a wider grasp of the world as perceived from different eyes. Conflict is therefore bound to happen but it does not mean that violence is the way to solve things. . . Ironically enough, if the members of the "us-group" were to succeed in totally annihilating all the members of the “them-group” that would leave them having to redefine themselves, since that which they were opposite to no longer is. A new raison d’etre would have to be created: a new enemy! It’s a never ending story; unless humanity succeeds in completely destroying itself we will be forever locked in a vicious cycle of self destruction.
by (4.3k points)