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+92 votes
How can I determine the outer electron configuration of the selenide ion and its chemical formula?
by (4.3k points)

2 Answers

+33 votes
Best answer
Se is in Group VI, hence it has 6 valence electrons, and most likely will taken in 2 more electrons to gain stability with an octet. Thus ion of Se should have a charge of -2 and the electronic configuration should be 2,8,18,8.. . Hope this helps :)
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
Look at what Group it is in: 6 (in the UK) and 16 (in USA).. That means that it has 6 electrons in the outer level, and wants 8, so it will gain two to become Se2-.. The outer electron configuration of Se will be 4s2, 4p4, going up to 4p6 for the ion.
by (4.3k points)