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+19 votes
What is the process to acquire U.S. citizenship?
by (4.3k points)

4 Answers

+61 votes
Best answer
It depends on how you become a citizen. Most citizens are born citizens, which happens to anyone born in the United States or US territory, unless they are born to a foreign diplomat and to anyone born to a US citizen as long as the parents lived in the US at some point.. . To naturalize as a citizen, you must first somehow become a permanent resident, which can happen a large number of ways. You must then remain in the United States aside from short vacations for a particular number of years, depending on the basis for your permanent residence, apply for citizenship, and take a test.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
It just occurred to me that it is not as easy as many out their think, that in fact no one will just run out and mail some documents and Al's well, its like nothing you have ever been involved in i can promise you that, brings on a whole new meaning to the word CRAZY, if you apply any logic in how you go about it, you will suffer the highest level of depression you thought possible,and then you can hear other people say , its so easy , really brings you to a point that you could kill your self, and they really wouldn't mind if you did, really what makes me the most upset is to hear all the blind comments from people guiding you in this never ending journey and they will act like you just don't know how to do it, the fact is nobody ever will because the rules change per minute per day per hour and what can i say, i hope you have Lot of money to buy your way out maybe that's the key to it i really just don't know either, but time is on their side and not yours i promise you will find that out up front, good luck go with god.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You better be legal before you come here or you will deal with me and my minute man friends.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
why would you want to ?
by (4.3k points)