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+123 votes
Why do some people believe that Democrats and the media do not fully understand the concept of torture?
by (4.3k points)

9 Answers

+106 votes
Best answer
Their definition of torture is anything that makes anyone uncomfortable. Too bad it only applies to the muslim terrorists and not to us regular people
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Thank You!!! It makes me sick that those soldiers were in trouble for what they did...they took stupid pictures of the terrorists The terrorists cut off the heads of the our prisoners. I think we treat them better than they deserve. They are prisoners of war.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
It is being called torture because the Geneva Conventions, as well as our own laws, have defined such things as torture. This isn't about politics. But of course Bush asserts that we do not torture because, by definition, if we are doing it it cannot be torture. It is the same rationale that led Nixon to say that "if the President does it, that means it's not illegal.". . Remember also that none of these people has even been charged, let alone convicted, of anything. They are simply being "detained for questioning." The Pentagon has admitted that most of the people in their "care" are probably guilty only of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. . . If what is being done to the detainees is so benign, then why is it that so many people, including military people, from privates to generals, are objecting to it. If for no other reason, look at it from a practical standpoint: if we are subjecting people to ear-splitting noise for hours on end, depriving them of sleep for days on end, beating them, shocking them, starving them, waterboarding them, etc., how can we then complain when some future enemy turns around and does the same thing to captured Americans. Do you not see the practical dilemma, at least, since you clearly do not see the moral one?
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Try it some time.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
thats not all they're doing
by (3.9k points)
0 votes
That is only one side of the story on the interrogation techniques. If you think that is all that is done at are rather niave.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
that is torture. what if someone forced you to listen to music you cant stand relaly loud for hours on end?. plus thats not all they are doing. You ever heard of waterboarding? who knows what else they do
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
The treatment that people (not just Democrats, also independent organizations like the IRC and other rights groups) are against are things that, up until Bush's redefinition campaign, are considered torture. Waterboarding, severe beatings, and who knows what are the acts that should be banned. No one in their right mind thinks that shouting at prisoners is torture. . . Also, remember that the people receiving these treatments have not even been charged with anything, much less convicted. Up until this administration there was a policy, you might have heard of it, summed up in the phrase "Innocent until proven guilty". Under the rules that Bush wants put in place, you could be picked up off the street by the military, shipped off to a black site in who knows what country, tortured, beaten, and brought within an inch of your life (if you survive), without any proof of wrong doing.. . This has happened to a number of citizens, most notable among them being Jose Padilla.. . I believe in justice. If you think someone has done wrong, prove it then you can talk about punishment. I am against allowing one man to be lawmaker, judge, jury, and executioner. That would be a dictator.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Our President is making us all look like the phantom ghosts of his vivid mind in the inhumane and Universally Unaccepted practice of Detention and Interrogation. . When you are 'captured' as a 'suspect' and not allowed to contact anyone, have no legal council and are interrogated for 50+ hours at a time, scream for justice, its not here.
by (4.1k points)