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+15 votes
Why do some people perceive Halloween as satanic when it has pagan origins?
by (4.4k points)

15 Answers

0 votes
Because most Christians view pagan and Satanic as the same thing. It started mostly with the Catholic church declaring most things that are not "Christian" as "of Satan" - including pagan beliefs and traditions. They tried to create new holidays that would more align with Biblical and traditional Catholicism that's why a lot of "religious" holidays are on pagan holidays.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
it really is this black and white.. if it is not of God, then it is of the devil.. you cant chose none, you have to chose one.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Because people fear what they don't understand. People view the star symbol ( I think it's called a pentagram) as evil, when it actually is not, It also has Pagan roots.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Ignorance. Christians are generally unable or unwilling to differentiate the two. For the majority, anything that is non-religious is automatically Satanic. It doesn't matter to them that Pagans don't even believe in Satan.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Anything that competes with religion is labeled "Satanic. The number "13" was always considered to be a lucky number by the Egyptians, We started with 13 colonies, etc, etc But when other beliefs began to compete with those of the Catholic Church hundreds of years ago they were ruled as Satanic. Halloween, ie:: ghosts, hob-goblins etc, etc became satanic. Religion is a business. By the way, Pagan means "country people" but pagans are ruled as bad by the Catholic business.
by (4.3k points)