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+6 votes
What are the distinctions between same-sex unions, civil unions, and marriages?
by (4.1k points)

5 Answers

+72 votes
Best answer
A same sex union forms a part of the framework of civil unions. Marriage is a more religious name for the same thing. There are a few differences depending on where the law exists, but essentially they are the same.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
I believe marriage is sactiioned by the Lord, the union of man and woman befor God. It should be a Christian ceremony. It is not for atheists or couples of the same sex. They should have thier own civil unions giving them the same rights as a married couple, united in the name of Jesus Christ. America gives legal rights to all of its citizens and should also reconize a union of gay couples.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Marriage is a social and civil union between two people. It allows all kinds of privileges on Tax Returns and hospital visitation policies, etc. Civil Union recognizes the relationship and also allows for all the legal privileges of the marriage union, but does not recognize the social privileges that the marriage does. Same sex unions is a politically correct term that implies the union, but exposes the same sex aspect of those unions which involve such relationships. It is an effort to put under scrutiny the frequently socially unacceptable aspect of these relationships, and bears no real improvement over the other terms, except it does not need to use any further time explaining what union they are opposed to and therefore demonizes the participants in these relationships as those undeserving of legal or social protections.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
none. the first two are given to same sex couples and marriage is man and woman. Just some places do not reconize the same sex unions.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Twiddle de and twiddle dum. Supposedly civil unions are recognized by governmetnal entities and marriages are more religious entites. It depends in part on how big a deal it is to you, or whether you think there are more important concerns in America and the world.
by (4.3k points)