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+52 votes
Why is Rush considered the greatest?
by (4.4k points)

8 Answers

+95 votes
Best answer
Storytellers and dealers in fantasy have always been popular, as long as man has lived. The men and women who spun extravagant tales in dark caves are the forerunners of those who spin extravagant tales now. The stories have changed just a bit, but are still hokum, and the hokum man who tells them is still the best show around...
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
When you tell the truth everyone listens!!!!!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
He is about as important as a fly letting gas in a hurricane
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
For the most part, he has a good following for three basic reasons: . . a) People are generally willing to believe anything they're told. Conservatives have a deep need to have their somewhat closed world view constantly reinforced against all the scary change out there in the real world.. . b) He rarely, if ever, provides facts to back up the things he says. It's quite easy to tell people what they want to hear if you don't worry with sourcing your information. Remember, Rush is an ENTERTAINER - not a journalist.. . c) He rarely, if ever, acknowledges his mistakes or goes back to correct the record. See b) above.. . As for the world leader question: Anyone, conservative or liberal, who has a large following of political zombies will be courted by politicians who stand to gain personally from having them led in his/her direction. If Rush had no listeners would anyone be bothering with him? Of course not.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Rush is the greatest propagandist for the Republican Party, the greatest liar, the greatest snake-oil salesman since before snake oil was invented. Limbaugh's Nazi-inspired propaganda will eventually persuade his 'ditto heads' that it's 'okay' to criticize, abuse, torture, or even kill those who disagree with his political agenda. Those whom Rush hates will include: liberals; homosexuals; welfare recipients; street-corner drug addicts; feminists; non-white no-Christians; environmentalists; poor people; and the sick, the homeless, the hungry, and the disadvantaged.. Of course, they will all be part of the "final solution" just as Hitler killed 6,000,000 Jews as part of his "final solution".. On the other hand, Rush's friends will be part of the perfect conservative world, and will include: pedophiles; corporate welfare recipients; millionaires; white collar criminals; liars; prescription-drug abusers; and anyone who can squander all of Earth's resources in the name of profit; war-mongers; war profiteers; and anglo-saxon white American Christians. -RKO-
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Because he is a babbling fool who must be the illigetimate son of McCarthy. Rush is a moron...but guess what...there are millions of morons in this world.....(Hence the problems) so it stands to reason that those without reason would somehow find a reason to support someone guilty of treason who they think is a patriot and bastion of...........yep.....reason..
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
There is a big difference between telling people what they want to hear and educating them.. Hes a bull shit artist and has been as long as he's been on national radio.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
The greatest wind bag, the greatest drug abuser, the greatest liar? Yes, I would agree with that!!!!!!
by (4.5k points)