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+3 votes
How can I initiate a conversation with my mom about my atheism?
by (4.1k points)

23 Answers

0 votes
Why tell her? You would be doing her a favor to lie if need be in order to protect her from this truth.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
how about telling her your going on a "spiritual journey". . and you need time to reflect on life. . . That should hold you off at least until your 18
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
It might be best to wait until you're in a position to not live in your home anymore.. . I don't know your mother and your relationship and I can only speak from experiences that others have shared with me but it sounds like she'll be a bit... upset about your coming into the light of atheism.. . It took about a year from the time I became an atheist to when I told my mother and she was very upset, but I was an adult and no longer living with her.. . You, on the other hand, still live at home and would have to deal her daily.. . Again, I don't know your situation so only you would know how she would react and how it would impact you.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Smartest thing would be to wait until you have finished your education, gotten a self-supporting job, and moved from your mother's house.. At that point, you would be mature enough to make a rational decision about whether and how to tell your mother.. . At 16 it would be a mistake to tell her, for your sake and hers. Keep it a secret between you and yourself for now perhaps.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
read her the Bill of Rights : amendment 1 : religious and political freedom !!! >< gud luck!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Simple, cite some bible verses saying about tolerance and stuff and then tell her. If she does something horrible call her a hypocrite and the argument will progress from there. Do what goes to you. You're 16, rebellion is common.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Leave a note on the fridge.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
In a perfect world, your mother would love you just the way you are and respect your decisions. In a real world, she'll probably get pretty mad... I've heard a few horror stories. My husband won't tell his parents he's Pagan. (They're "very Christian," which means they only go to church on Christmas and Easter, but they hate everyone who isn't Christian.) We still go to Christmas services with my husband's family, and pray with them and stuff just to appease them! Sometimes, it's just easier to pretend to maintain peace. I personally never discuss my religious beliefs (Pagan) with my mother, who is Catholic. I also don't have a close relationship with my mother, so I don't care if my mother knows who I really am.. . Since you're still a dependent, and you probably want to maintain peace with your mother, you may just want to be ambiguous about your inner beliefs. It's tough, but sometimes it's easier than how your mom will treat you. Then again, I don't know your mother and how she'll react. . . Do you have a close friend you can discuss this with instead? Someone who knows you and your mother would be a better judge.. . Good luck!
by (4.7k points)
0 votes
You cannot escape a mothers prayers!. No matter what you think , Jesus will always be in your heart. . You can go asstray with the world views but your mothers prayers will never leave your being and God will never abandon her cries to for him to always be with her child.. . Your not an athiest, but just in rebellion. . How do I know? Because my mom was the same way.She was so religious I thought I was gonna rip my hair out. She would sing gosspel songs and I would turn up Madonna. My mom read scriptures to me and even tried to annoint oil on my head before I jumped out my window and screamed at her. At 16 I ran away from home to NYC.No more God for me(at least I thought) I partied with the best of the best, I drank and did things I shouldnt have done. I lived the life I thought a life should be lived PARTY!!!. . Many times my life almost eneded but it seemed something or a force was there standing guard.I tried to ignore it but something was always sparing me from the worst-. . At age 23 when the parties were over and my life was lost it was my mom's prayers that lead God to extend his hand to bring me out of the darkest hole someone could be in. . . God took me and gave me a new life with hope and a future. and its all because my mom stood with God and that is why God stood with me.. . . You know God is there because I know no matter how hard you try to turn away, Jesus is always saying Im here in you heart. Just as Jesus left the flock for the lost little sheep, He will be there for you in your time of need-. . Mom's aren't perfect they can get excited and sometimes preachy when it comes to Jesus. Mabe when your a parent someday you'll understand but until then don't be so hard on her.. . You can tell her today what you think you are (athiest) and God will only strengthen her more for the fight.. . The best thing I can tell you to do is to ask God this. God if your real as mom so crazily claims, can you proove yourself to me before I go my WAY?. . He will show you, if you ask. Don't be stubborn just to get your way but challenge God to show you the way-
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Tell her when you turn 18.. . Peace!
by (4.3k points)