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+100 votes
How can I initiate a conversation with a girl I have only spoken to once and am interested in?
by (4.4k points)

3 Answers

+76 votes
Best answer
do a lot of smiling and then talk about academics. this s fine step towards a better relationship
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
well, lets say if ur walkin down tha hall wit ur "boy(s)" n shes n da hall talkin wit somebody or not, u culd walk up to her n say,"hey! uhh, uhh" then shell prob say her name "ashley" (jus an ex) the ull say "right" n " long time no see" or "havent talkd to u n awhile! ...u remem me?" then shell say yes or no if yess then say yea yea , so wat u been up to ? or somtin lik dat. if no remind her shell prob say "oh yea" then go on from there . if still dont remem then say "well, dats ok then go on from there" this culd work n any scenario...gym, class, cafeteria, etc, o i think it wuld b best if culd prob get her alon or wen she not wit her friends...its prob better!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
compliment her. girls love getting compliments, especially from guys. or find out one of her interests and start a convo about that. check your email hun
by (4.2k points)