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+82 votes
How do I initiate an instant message conversation with someone?
by (4.3k points)

3 Answers

+117 votes
Best answer
you need an instant messenger program such as this site Messenger or AOL Instant messenger (AIM). when you log into the program, you can add the person that you want to im by typing in their screenname. then, chat away!!
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Well, the onnly way you can IM someone in a certin way is to get certin IM's.... like you can get Aim, from aol. By downloading it, just got to, then downloads and it will give you information from there... if you want to get yahoo instant messager just do the same thing but in the search area type in yahoo instant messager click on the one that seems right and then just go on from there.... (it will tell you how to do it) it's very easy once you know what your doing
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
You have to sign on Yahoo messenger and then you send an IM to them by either double clicking on their name on your buddy list or going to people and "send IM". . On AIM, which is much better, you can do the same
by (4.4k points)