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+77 votes
Inquire about the likelihood of being accepted into the Navy if you attended a Tier 2 school
by (4.3k points)

5 Answers

+34 votes
Best answer
I'm not familiar with a tier 2 school, but I can tell you the US military complex needs people. You should have no problem qualifying as a prospect for the branch of service you wish to join.
by (4.7k points)
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0 votes
I don't know what a Tier 2 school is either, but as long as you have a legitimate HS diploma, you should do fine.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
15 college credits may jiust turn that Tier 2 into a Tier one. You can ask your recruiter. typically that's one semester, and taking the classes at a community college isn;t thta expensive. . . otherwise, yeah, a butt ton of people are trying to compete for a very small number of slots. You have to stand out big time( max out the ASVAB etc) in order to have a shot.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Much of the choice of whether to take you or not will be based on your ASVAB (Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery) test scores. If you haven't taken it I'd suggest picking up a study guide, they're usually available where the SAT guides are. Big clue, the number of answers you get correct is more important than the number of questions that you answer, so skip the hard ones and come back to them.. That said, as a 12 year Navy vet, if you're not into "office politics", the Navy isn't for you. Also be aware of the rating you chose (the job you'll be trained for). Old Navy adage: "chose your rate, chose your fate". A lot of the better looking ones are the worst to be in... My advice overall would be apply to college...
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
It shouldn't be too difficult. The Navy is supposedly overmanned right now, but they still take a lot of people in, many of them that they probably shouldn't. As long as you've stayed out of trouble and aren't plain dumb, it shouldn't be any trouble getting in.
by (4.4k points)