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+54 votes
Why do law enforcement officers experience negative interactions while carrying out their duties?
by (4.4k points)

19 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
Cause people need someone to blame for their problems. If people did what they were told my best friend who is a cop wouldn't need a tazar, nightstick, and pepperspray to go with his gun. People always want to put down cops, but who do they call when some punk is stealing their car?
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Some bad cops give all good cops a bad name. Rodney King should have stayed down, yes, but, the copes in that situation used more force than necesaery to subdue him. Cops should not use kicking as a way to control. They have tactical weapons that were issued to them, and they should be only used if a life is threatened.. I do believe if they had shot Rodney King, instead of beating him, it could have prevented the riots.. But, even shooting him would have been wrong, but, as they were beating thim, someone had tme to get a camera. Had they shot him, itwould not have been captured on tape.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
You are very wise.. . Lawyers however, have clouded the law to the point where normal people do not know basic rights and wrongs anymore.. . Heck, look at the OJ story.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Only a cop would ask this and have to be white to ask! GIVE ME A BREAK! most cops stop you because of your skin color, most are crooks (at the right price all of them are) Kids that live in bad poor neighborhoods get to pick between being a thug and being a cop! I had a cop follow my hispanic looking cousin for half hour, he was wearing his seatbelt, within speed limit and the cop checked his tags, why? racial profiling. My other cousin was in gangs and stuff and he "straightened out" and became a:: COP!!
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
some cops do take advantage of their postion you see them doing things that they will pull you over for, on the other hand some people dont take responsability for their own actions and like to blame the cop who arrested them
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
people are always blamming someone else for their wrong doings and cops get them in trouble for doing wrong so they give them the blame.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Most authority figures in this nation have been made to look bad by the media and Hollyweird because they get their jollies destroying the authority structure of this country. Those who degrade our police forces, military, and politicians are communist infiltrators who have the goal of destroying this country from within to make others powerful.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
If everybody did that, we wouldn't be able to see stuff like Cops:The Tazer Edition. Who doesn't wanna see idiots (of all races) getting tazed for acting stupid? . . Of course Rodney King is an example because he's black and I guess this is directed toward black people because only black people are abused by cops? I've seen plenty of white people harassed by cops, you just don't see it on tv because nobody seems to care. Black people seem to make more of a stink about those sorts of things. Hell, black people and cops should get along. They should feel each others pain because a few bad apples seem to get the whole bunch a bad rep. . . I'm just glad I seem to run into nice cops (except for this one prick) who do not want to beat my ass senseless.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
It's the few cops that take advantage of their power and overstep their bounds that people I know have a problem with. These are doing more than just doing their job.. I don't believe that is the majority of them thank goodness.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
cops don't always follow their own rules. i've heard of cases where people have been abused even if they were complying. sometimes the authority and power gets the better of them.
by (4.4k points)